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Everything posted by packbacker

  1. NAM is for suckers. UK has a beautiful negatively tilted trough but a SLP the same longitude as Bermuda. What the heck....it literally will not snow in Raleigh no matter what. Time for bed.
  2. This isn’t coming west. Models are all locked in for a coastal scraper. 0-4 tonight on model runs...
  3. Somehow the MA will get more snow then eastern NC...haven’t figured out how but it always works out for them.
  4. We get it DT...it’s only going to snow in s-NE and Maine. 100 tweets on that today.
  5. Well this sucks. After the past two winters and watching Atlanta get 6”+ a few weeks ago to have this amount to nothing...definitely will be the worst winter in my lifetime. No torch in sight either. Ugghhh
  6. We get a bunch of sucky model runs tonight going to be pissed I didn’t go to bed....so far 0-1.
  7. I am chasing to Boston if they get a 950 low off the benchmark. I am going to see snow this winter...just know I have to travel for it. Was hoping that Boone would get a big one.
  8. Impressive seeing the EPO refuse to breakdown and the AO helping out.
  9. I got dibs on the next storm thread! Day 10-12 definitely a signal for an AppsRubber...EPO is still negative, we have lost the bloody Cali ridge and and we have an atlantic ridge now. That will help amplify waves and hopefully stop them from accelerating off the coast. Always a good sign to see California wet with a strong EPO/AO block.
  10. That was my last 6” event and before that it was 2004. Just pathetic.
  11. Been almost 3 years since Raleigh’s last snow. I got 4” and I think ColdRain got fringed.
  12. You know this winter is going to be rough when you have artic cold the next 10 days and we are having to hope for the pattern to breakdown to then build into something that could work. 2 steps behind this winter.
  13. Past 48 hours we got the exact opposite of what we needed. #WeSuck
  14. PackAppsRubber. If RDU gets a 4-6” event. Not sure I will have to worry to much though.
  15. So maybe we are going 2014...that looks crazy cold mid month. Not even us can mess up the entire month of Jan with this look....impossible!
  16. I would have to keep it for a year though! If we get a 4-6” event this winter I will change it.
  17. Wow, that is cold, probably dry with the warmth that far west but eventually something will happen....it has to.
  18. I am tempted to change my screen name to that...not sure they will let me though.
  19. Only difference I see between the UK and the GFS at 72 hours is our NY's wave digs a little more which means it's helping carve a path for the UK to dig the Jan 3 energy more or the ridge is just weaker. Biggest change I see on the Euro is it doesn't move that pig low out of the NE quick enough so wave is flatter.
  20. Well the slosh theory may work this time...the GFS literally can't be any further east. It has to be more west tomorrow....it will slosh back west.
  21. The UK is 300 miles west of the GFS at day 6 but is 200 miles east of where we need it.
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