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Everything posted by WxKnurd

  1. What, I managed to beat you by a degree for once!?! Power back on and station update puts my place at 19.
  2. Impressive! Got a notification power went out at my place 2 hours ago, I’m guessing from the wind. 23.2 was the temp at the time so might have made it to below 20 too. I’m sure @Met1985 did as he’s always the cold spot on our end of Haywood.
  3. Looking at the weather station data, 38.7 morning low and topped out at 44.2. 42.6 currently.
  4. Been in the 40’s all day here in Houston if all places. Enjoy those 20’s tomorrow fellas, hope y’all see some flakes. I’m ready to get back home to the mountains Saturday!
  5. Awesome pics Met! Toasty for the time of year out here in Colorado, elk hunting in mid-October in a t-shirt above 10k feet with snow still on the ground in the shade reminded me of the days after our February and March snows lol.
  6. Found a few aspens still holding leaves, made for a nice little pop of color against the snow.
  7. First taste of snow for me in t-minus 3-4 hours, winter weather advisory for 8-12” in the units my elk tag is for here in Colorado. Seeing the eclipse while chasing elk with some snow in the ground Saturday is going to be wild.
  8. I always miss peak but love chasing elk around the Rockies in October more haha. I’ll be out there just West of RMNP same time frame.
  9. Felt amazing outside this afternoon, topped out at a hair under 62. Rolled back into Haywood at 6:30 am and promptly passed out once I got my camper in storage. Time for the first fire this fall tonight!
  10. A crisp 44 this morning out here in western Kansas, ready for these temps back home with a fire going and leaves falling! Had to race a huge storm complex back to my truck the other evening, crazy lightning! Here’s it approaching:
  11. No mountain vistas but a wide open space for you guys from out here in western Kansas. At least it’s a dry heat and radiation cooling at night makes things nice til like 11 am. Hoping the forecasted 70’s next week hold true! And looking forward to returning to the start of fall colors, already had some change taking place when I returned from Cincy/left for here.
  12. Fog over Canton this morning. I’m sure @Met1985 knows this view well.
  13. Smoky Park Hwy was flooded at every low spot when I drove through the middle of that cell earlier. Crazy amount of water, luckily a relatively quick hitter but reminded me of what I drove in during Fred.
  14. A little salt always on my sliced tomatoes (used to eat them like an apple when I was little fresh out of the garden lol), cucumbers, watermelon, cantaloupe, etc.
  15. A good, sweet watermelon is a summertime must
  16. I just think he’s taking over rainfall eyeore duties for Shetley.
  17. All the rest of the week spoiled me to the point where 61 in mid-June at night is hot now
  18. It really is. I think in regards to temps sometimes my being 200’ higher gets me into the inversion band more sometimes and I’m not sure how but I think also being on the county line ridge affects me somehow, thinking in regards to orientation as I’m on a north-south ridge line facing WSW. Obviously flow snow depends on wind orientation and I’m sure 5000’+ peaks and ridge lines in Crabtree and Sandy Mush Balds being within 3 miles might Rob some moisture depending on that.
  19. Got me by 9 degrees, 51 at my place according to my station.
  20. Earthquake woke me up at 6 when it shook the house. Strongest one yet at 3.2, first one I’ve been home for.
  21. Gorgeous morning down on Glenville, managed to get a few largemouth to the kayak but more than double what I caught got off. Figured out a decent post spawn pattern by the time I called it quits at noon. Getting the same shower as Met right now.
  22. Weather station shows a low of 43 for yesterday abc this morning so I’m guessing that was at midnight. Sitting at 46 with almost 1.7” this far. No rain up here in northern Ohio but have had some chilly mornings and evenings.
  23. Yep that a decent shot of rain, of course it came over the house while I was trying to dig up a fence post and work on a raised bed lol. Blueberries go in the ground tomorrow if the farm store has how many I want to buy.
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