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Everything posted by WxKnurd

  1. Yep that’s what I noticed headed towards town. Great and Plott Balsams have snow covered trees above 4500’ or so.
  2. Go a mile or two down the road and get into a legit light snow shower. Catalochee is entrenched in a snow shower it looks like. Might squeak out a dusting between now and morning if things work their way just slightly more east to my ridgeline. 27 at the house.
  3. Got some light flurries here, nothing to really write home about but hey, some kind of frozen precip for the 4th time this season.
  4. January 16, 2022 is the last time a widespread system came through that I can think of. I had 10” here (biggest storm I’ve gotten to enjoy since I moved to Haywood from Charlotte in February of 2019) at my new place after I had just moved in end of 2021 and I think around 30” total for that season, last year I had one flow snow event of 5-6” and that was it. I don’t even think I cracked cracked double digits for the season. This year I may be close to an inch total from the three minor accumulations thus far. Basically what I’m saying is I’m “cold and snowy weather” starved!
  5. Another inversion this morning, 34 at the house, 22 down in the valley.
  6. Was down around 23 at 9 last night and inversion hit right after that, 35 around daybreak. Sitting at 37 now, low at midnight was 28.
  7. 14 here with just the same skiff of snow I came home to last night.
  8. Just got home and just a trace over on my mountain, of course the wind is whipping that powder everywhere though. Band must have setup over you longer, did seem to be snowing better a few miles down the road when I left earlier.
  9. Coming down good, just needing some bigger dendrite size. Wind is ripping and I love it. Hopefully when I cons back from Cullowhee later tonight everything will be covered.
  10. Wind has been howling since at least 4 am when it woke me up. Just finished my hike up to the top of the mountain, wind is ripping and Crabtree Bald has frozen trees starting around 4500’ or so, clouds above that. They are just knocking on my door step but are staying just to my north up around the Sandy Mush Bald area.
  11. Well Haywood would be powerless until 2024, have trees down everywhere and be dealing with landslides if that happened. If ever there was another ‘93, a December “hurricane” would be it. 977 pressure inland cutting through the middle of the state is ridiculous.
  12. Yep, I just got back from Sylva. 28 with a heavy dusting here, like 1/4”. Flash freeze incoming though.
  13. Down in Sylva currently (mid 40’s here) but down to 35 at the house now. I’m sure I’ll come home later to flakes flying.
  14. Hate I’m working down in Charlotte and missing the first event of the season, enjoy guys!
  15. Makes me wonder if I’m just inversion prone at my spot kinda like you, especially sitting on a ridge dividing Crabtree and Sandy Mush valleys. I may have to move to the Plotts up around 6’k to consistently be as low as or lower than@Met1985 lol.
  16. 18 according to my station. I need to try setting it somewhere else and putting it at the official 6’-8’ instead of the 4’ it’s at, I’ve been skeptical of the readings sometimes.
  17. 29 this morning with the first accumulation of the season, trace on porch, truck and leaves.
  18. Slight chill to the air this morning on my walk into the woods, actually feels colder now than it was at daybreak. One of my favorite views around the area looks interesting when it’s nothing but a silhouette.
  19. Had a few bursts of all snow with big fat flakes, has me ready to start tracking the first storm of the year, whether it’s flow snow or (pretty please) a Miller A.
  20. No sleet or snow up on waterrock when I was there but had some sleet mixing in the drizzle when I got home just now for the first frozen precip of the season. A raw 35 degrees. Edit: and now flakes mixing in
  21. Headed up to Waterrock Knob as we speak, thinking I’ll see some mixing at the very least up there.
  22. Bit of an Inversion I’m guessing for me, 36 was coldest. 25 yesterday.
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