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Everything posted by WxKnurd

  1. Just scrolled through their maps, the high end matches up with model output but then when you look at expected and then scroll through the “% of x inches”, it makes no sense why they went with what they did. only thing I can figure is they see this mainly a CAD region storm in regards to snow as the ice accumulation map is highest SW of Asheville.
  2. Yes and INT is the code for Winston’s airport.
  3. HKY mean for SREF plumes was right at 12”, CLT was touch over 4”. Both had a total QPF a touch a few hundredths over 2”. But the sref burned us last year even up to go time, plus it’s at the long-range time period of this short range model.
  4. Yes, you want the 850 Low to track to your south.
  5. Could also aid moisture transport (not that it’s really needed in this setup) if you have a positive tilt to it. But those things are a nowcast issue.
  6. The crusher of hopes and dreams lol. These big storms are always hard to start and stay all snow for us, even growing up around Hickory you’d have some sleet and then a glaze of freezing rain to end. My issue the past few storms at my place besides the sleet has been terrible dendrite growth. Everyone will be talking about big fat flakes and I’ll be getting hit with dime size or smaller.
  7. Phil’s Coefficient radarscope will be getting a workout by me for this one, like always these last few years.
  8. Allan or Brandon does. Basically for a HKY blockbuster a Miller A track around CHS and up the coast is best, CLT was SAV or Jacksonville and riding just a bit further off coast. If I remember correctly.
  9. They’ll get smoked but that drive out 64 from 23 is gonna be treacherous once you hit the gorge and head up the mountain. You could go out to/come from Sky Valley and have less curves but that road might not be plowed as soon as 64.
  10. Take it the bank, Mecklenburg minimum of “only” 12-15” is over my house while just 5 miles due west across the river gets you in 20”+ totals. That’s an amazing clown map! Sounds like the H5 maps were tantalizing close to something even more special, if that’s actually possible.
  11. Insult to injury is my mom sending me pictures from back home up in Northern Catawba County (always a good climo place for the county, tend to miss out on the Lee-side screw job that happens occasionally when compared just to the west in Hickory). I actually chased one December storm back in 2009 or 2010 I think, when my wife and I were still dating. Drove from rain in Noda to sleet on 85 over by the airport to all out heavy snow on 321 all the way from Dallas to my parents. Wasn’t sitting in rain and missing out on that one.
  12. And you and grit had about 1.5 to 2 times what I had over by the Whitewater Center. Warm nose has gotten me ever since I moved from Huntersville, first to Noda and now over on the river (much better location than Noda though and about as good as Huntersville, just seems the sleet line or a low dendritic growth area sets up on top of me). Hopefully I’ll bring some of this cold Chicago airmass back home with me on Friday night/early Saturday morning. Can a Tacoma tow dry cold air?
  13. Right now, it's hard to tell man. A landfall closer towards Myrtle has more effect on our weather than one further north around Jacksonville. Some rain and wind, especially the further east you are in the area, is almost a certainty though unless best case scenario of the ridge breaking down enough for this thing to graze the coast somehow materializes.
  14. Did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor!? I just need this column over me to moisten back up. It’s trying to, thought it would when this band got over me but just can’t get the nickel sized flakes to return. 2-3” down here should be a given with what has to come through.
  15. I’m not complaining, figured we’d start as rain but also thought when I woke up at 6:3 we’d be all snow since it was a mix at 4. Once it flipped completely things went off, just in a patch of terrible flake size right now. Can’t “reasonably” complain about a non-bust just because of low end of the range totals, but it still stings because of the reasons why. Reminds me of the start to that storm a few years ago when QueenCity racked up down in Ft Mill while you and I were sitting here in a minimum for the area due to dendrite growth over us sucking for far too long.
  16. Slow to change over and terrible dendrite growth, same old song and dance here. Still will hit forecast totals but on the low end barring getting in a good band again like earlier.
  17. Recent bball failures on par with the bust you guys had include: -Blowing the lead down the stretch against St. Louis in the tourney because of free throws -20 pt blown leads against Duke and Maryland in the ACC tourney -11 pt blown lead against Vanderbilt for a Sweet Sixteen birth -20 pt blown lead against Duke in the regular season at Cameron
  18. Game is still on as of 10:30 am but will make final decision on it in the next few hours. I don't see why it wouldn't be played. A lot of Pack fans are buying up tickets for cheap.
  19. My on-going joke is this place seems like Pack Pride sometimes with the self-defeatism. I fully get it both for winter weather lovers in CLT and RDU and for Pack fans. But I tend to lean on the optimistic side of the scale and can usually make lemonade out of lemons. And if it's really bad I just take to drinking, which I've had to do too many times when it comes to NC State sports as well as winter weather after living in Raleigh and Charlotte for the past 12 years.
  20. Will a Pack win in the Nose Dome make you feel better? Because I'm feeling there is at least a chance if they can play like they did Wednesday night (I'm trying to forget about what happened down in Miami haha)
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