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Everything posted by WxKnurd

  1. It was my Apple Maps on my phone specifically that showed it better like an hour ago but here is the link to the NCDOT one. https://drivenc.gov
  2. The road map with all the closed roads blows my mind
  3. I’ve been worried about Lake Logan Dam along with other smaller dams west of 77. How’s Crabtree? Am I even going to be able to get home tomorrow?
  4. Have heard 3 trees fall and watched another one fall here in Easley, winds are nasty.
  5. I’ve been thinking how lucky we are that it has been so low, also lucked out we didn’t have the same training of the truly heavy stuff yesterday like those to our East had to deal with. That said, I’m getting more and more concerned about wind again. Saw the Pigeon is forecast to peak at 19 ft in Canton, so a little less than Fred but still flooding almost as bad.
  6. Gonna ride this one out down in Easley (not much better, heck probably worse but want to be there to help the gf out if worst case happens) before heading home tomorrow or Saturday to check on things. If winds don’t get crazy then the “only” problem I should have is just trying to get to the house navigating any flood waters. Worried about gusts to just 30-40 mph with this amount of rain however, hopefully won’t have to breakout the chainsaw to get home. Here’s to all of us staying safe guys and gals!
  7. If you guys ever want a respite from the heat and humidity you need to head to the PNW coast in Summer. Currently in Newport, Oregon and it’s stunning weather at sun and 64 degrees. Only downside is when the wind cranks up in the afternoons, otherwise it’s spectacular and the views are hard to beat. Looks like to me if the ocean ran up against the Blue Ridge, lots of the views looking inland at the Coast Range remind me of home.
  8. 47 up top at home in Upper Crabtree, around 50 down in northern Catawba/southern Alexander counties where I’m working.
  9. Nasty looking storm complex. Over in Pigeon Forge today and it’s knocking on the door about to come through.
  10. 44 for a low, 63 for a high. What an amazing weather day in mid-May. Down to 56 with a breeze stirring, fire going in the fire pit and flank steak on the smoker.
  11. That line means business, gonna be a rough night
  12. That storm that hit Bat Cave is nasty. Wouldn’t be surprised if I had some rotation go over me based on the uplift I was seeing in leaf litter “falling”, nickel to quarter size hail. I swear some were bigger, was afraid windshield was going to get broken.
  13. Hearing any damage reports? It just hit the fan here in Bat Cave
  14. That is one ominous looking and sounding storm due north of where I’m working around Chimney Rock.
  15. Storm that rolled through last night put down the rain. We are not going to be hurting for rain after this week is done.
  16. Was on Jocassee yesterday and hardly a drop fell on us. Sun actually peaked out as we were paddling back to the boat landing. Caution: Don’t go chasing waterfalls just because of the pretty lady you are with, you’ll bust your bust multiple times after warning her about the slick rocks
  17. 38 on my ridgeline this morning, frosty down in the valley
  18. Wind ripped all night, had to break some limbs this morning on the way to work to get around a tree that had fell on the road down the mountain. Had some sleet pellets and flakes mix-in in a passing shower this morning around 6:30.
  19. Currently in NM but trail camera photos show heavy snow at the house at 11:30 and now the ground covered, hard to tell with infrared but maybe a half inch to an inch.
  20. By my unscientific and unofficial visual measurement, my place got more than a trace but less than what I would call a dusting overnight. I think that pushes me to or just above the 10” mark for the”season” . Cataloochee slopes are covered, get a good view of them on my way out to the highway.
  21. Well looks like I’ll probably be hitting the road west to Phoenix Thursday morning to watch my Wolfpack while snow is falling.
  22. A wee bit. Wind was stiff last night with a light snow shower (barely above flurry status) when I got home. Had a fire roaring in the fire place, good reminder that it may be getting to be Spring but Winter can still show up fast.
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