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Everything posted by WxKnurd

  1. Yea, looking at my history it shows a low of 13.8 for me as well at 1:45 am, 8 am I was at 21.2. A balmy 38.7 now.
  2. 13 was the low for this morning. Gonna be a gorgeous Sunday!
  3. Good capture, don’t often catch them with their head down and eyes closed.
  4. 6” is what I’m going with after some more measurements in some protected places, some good drifts. Light snow off and on currently.
  5. Yea I figured last night the ridge from Chambers Mtn over to the Glades was probably getting it good based on how it was snowing between Lake Junaluska and Crabtre and then it was hardly snowing here. Friends on Chambers have over 6”. Good first event of the year!
  6. 18 degrees and 5-6” measured on the deck. Got a board down by the garage that’s protected from the wind that I’ll get a measurement on later.
  7. Just got home from Waynesville, little adventure back but not too bad. 1-2” in town, roads were covered in shaded spots and over bridges there but slushy and mainly wet otherwise. 74 was just wet. Maybe around 2” Iron Duff and Crabtree, closer to 3 as you got out towards the base of my mountain. 209 was covered but not completely, paved road out to my place was completely snow covered however. Measured 4.5” on my deck. Actually had tapered off to just light snow at my place, heaviest was Crabtree/Iron Duff area of 209. Would love to squeeze out another 1.5” between now and when the flow shuts off but not sure I will, have to see what morning brings.
  8. You are piling it up down there! Makes me wonder what I’m gonna be coming home to. Where are we at @Met1985
  9. Came back from Sylva and coming down 74 from Balsam to exit 98 was sketch and snow covered. Gonna be interesting going back to Crabtree and up the the mountain later!
  10. What’s sad is my work truck has a dead battery and I kept forgetting to take my keys so I could swing by my camper and get my battery charger out of the locked storage on it. What I get for procrastinating, I would at least have one vehicle to drive.
  11. Down to 26.4, over 2” now but no clue how much. Off and on for me in regards to the heavy stuff making the whiteouts Met said above. Fun hobbling around on crutches in that while trying to figure out mechanical issues lol.
  12. Been trying to figure out why my truck won’t crank and now snow is picking up in intensity, picked up a 1/2” just like that.
  13. Back to pixie dust, thought we were gonna switch to bigger flakes but no dice. 1.25”, headed out for the remainder of the day so next measurement won’t be until late tonight.
  14. Getting some better flake size now, hovering around 28-29 degrees.
  15. Wind orientation is perfect, Lakes aren’t frozen over, etc. Gonna be a “fun” drive home to and from Waynesville this afternoon/tonight!
  16. Was looking at some webcams and the sun was peeking out in downtown Waynesville and Canton, meanwhile 7-10 miles north and 1200’ higher in elevation and we are socked in like you said.
  17. Man if I could get some decent flake size it would be nice, moisture must be lacking in the snow growth zone right now. Measured an inch, 29 degrees and still have the pixie dust coming down at a decent clip.
  18. 30.6 with pixie dust coming down and a solid coating of .5-.75” from overnight.
  19. Temp is falling off fairly quickly now, down to 37.6 with some showers.
  20. Wish I was fully healed and back to my normal self, I’d be winter camping up on Mt Sterling this weekend or at least hiking up at Max Patch. As it is I’ll only be watching it fall and maybe taking a drive up 209 while hoping to bust high on GSP’s forecast at the house and make a run at 6”
  21. I didn’t have any hail over here I don’t think but dang did it pour. Thundered right over the house and shook it pretty good, it just hits different at elevation lol.
  22. Our wild ride starts in 4-6 hours with the rain and squall line, then 24-36 hours of flow snow in some spots. Point and click forecast has me with 2-4” total accumulation.
  23. I’d cash out at a 4”+ event at my place all day long
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