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Everything posted by WxKnurd

  1. 20 degrees and 1/4-1/2” here, hard to say with how it’s been blown all around.
  2. All But shut down here for the time being last I checked. Deck and vehicles are white, leaves are too, muddy ground is not lol.
  3. Yep. Furious little flakes here, slowly starting to whiten up everything.
  4. All Snow here, coming down good enough to call it moderate but just the tiniest of flakes.
  5. Diamond dust here as well, holding steady at 7 degrees. Did see a windchill of -4 earlier, -1 now. Coldest temp I see around here on stations is -1 on Mt Lynn Lowry.
  6. Looks like about an inch here today while I’ve been gone. Like 2.5-3” total for this week. Nickel and diming my way this year, probably sitting around 15” for the year if I had to bet. I really feel like Crabtree and Sandymush Balda downslope me somewhat compared to other flow snow areas out here. Max Patch area is the place to be!
  7. All About Fitness in Waynesville, I like that it’s 24/7
  8. I’ll find out here In An hour after the gym, but definitely looked socked in my way driving back into town on 40 and 74
  9. Yep, get under a band and it’s instant stickage, sunny and dry pavement when not under one. Slick spots sneak up on you today guys, ask ms how I know lol. We’ll see how much I come home to tonight. Hoping to squeeze out at least an inch for a nice send off to Colorado. Epic conditions out there these past 7 days for the first time in a few years.
  10. 1/4”-ish here as well but just flurries to light snow currently
  11. Diamond dust has been falling since before I got home. Had remnants of what looked like an inch or a little more here at home from this morning, dusting on top of that and everything else now.
  12. I believe officially it’s every hour
  13. Was wondering if I’d come home to any on the ground later. The other day my 1/4” was gone outside of one spot by the time I got home. I need a way to keep track of events better, especially when I’m not home for most of them, would like to know my total for the year is currently. I’m guessing 12-15” after today’s accumulation, I basically go with @Met1985’s numbers and am usually close. He’s got a couple inches on me this year from the January storm, so basically whatever he has minus 2-3” is what I’m going with as of now, the smaller events tend to even out as it’s so dependent on which ridgeline you are on and elevation in our area of Haywood that one event he’ll have a little more and another I’ll have a little more.
  14. Just got to town, rates wanting to pick up so maybe I pulled it along with me lol
  15. If what was falling from Flat Rock to Columbus can pivot through then it will awesomE mood flakes for sure. Working around Spindale today and tomorrow so I’m a part of you foothill guys during the day at leafst.
  16. Started ripping as soon as I hit the state line on 25 coming up from the Upstate but struggling to stick down this way like you said
  17. Foothills born and raised, I will help carry the fight!
  18. I think 2” will be a major win but we’ll see. I still have a hunch we get a March special this year, teleconnections seem to want to line up for it that first to second week last I saw.
  19. We’ll drink good bourbon on our mountaintops while looking down on you elevation starved peasants. Anyway, Go Pack. My favorite times at State were always centered around weather in some capacity it seems so my hate is in good jest.
  20. I for one can’t wait for a future storm and Raleigh to get cold rain while 77 west is a paste bomb with a foot place all over
  21. You want a positive orientation, I.e. the orientation of hwy 64 between Morganton and Lenior. Basically funnel that moisture up to usz
  22. Frankly it’s bordering absurd the amount of time between 6”+ synoptic events for all of the mountains. Let alone for anyone west of 77. I don’t think a non-flow warning level event, let alone a 2-4” one, region wide once a year in all counties with an average elevation above 1-2k feet is a thing of the past but this cycle we are stuck in is getting ridiculous ha.
  23. We’re way past due for a March paste bomb
  24. 1/4” here, flurries to light snow falling with hardly any clouds around. Can see the sun hitting the mountain across from me actually.
  25. We really dodged a bullet here, looks like a 1/10”- 1/8” of ice on the trees.
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