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Everything posted by winter_warlock

  1. Never good to hug any model that shows this storm at the momet, even if it has you in the bulleye. Reality is the storm is still 7 days q away!
  2. Well its 7 days out. Hopefully they will be in better agreement as we get closer.. euro has been pretty consisted last 3 or 4 runs.
  3. Well. I guess seeing the recent modeling made him a believer again lol.. im sure he will cancel winter again when he gets disappointed lol
  4. Amen to that bro!!Id rather have snow. If its not gonna snow then be sunny lol dont want rain
  5. Sterling has snow in the forecast here.. weird seeing from them this far out lol
  6. 23 members have me getting accumulated snows in central md. Not bad for 6 days out. Im sure it will change a few times lol
  7. Sterling LWX now seeing the threat for the 16-17!! Unlike previous systems, the air mass in the wake of this one should be much colder. This becomes more noticeable by Sunday into Monday as high temperatures fall into the 30s to low 40s, with 20s across the mountains. At night, low temperatures should be in the 20s for most, locally falling into the teens for those west of the Blue Ridge. The biggest question mark is will additional precipitation move into the region as cold air is in place. Numerous model solutions show progressive shortwaves racing through the area. Depending on access to moisture and degree of forcing aloft, some wintry component by re-emerge into the new work week.
  8. A shift east with the snow compared to 18z in mid Atlantic
  9. The blue line( im gonna guess thats the 0 Celsius line) does move slightly south.... in my opinion. Althought if ya listen to my wife i see only what i want to see lmaoo
  10. Storm on GFS goes from too far east at 12 z to a lil too far west at 18z lol. But at 9 days out. Ill take it. Im sure the models will be all over the place for at least a few more days!! I dont think anyone wants to be in the bullseye 232 hours out lol
  11. Looks great!! Long way to go still but the 10 days will go fast
  12. We definitely need this one!!! Wish it wasnt 10 days out but im glad we have abother one to track !
  13. Nothing but rain here all day. I saw bo freezing precip exceot for a few flakes at the very beginning temps in mid 30s all day
  14. Sterling LWX. Actually acknowledges the models with increased snow potential!! The evening model runs have shown an increase snow potential and snow amounts for parts of northern Maryland and western MD. A combination of a favorable thermal pattern along with increasing chances for near warning criteria snow has led to the expansion of the winter storm watches to include Carroll and Garrett Counties in Maryland.
  15. Youd make a great motivational speaker ! Lmaooo
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