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Everything posted by winter_warlock

  1. I noticed last couple runs are looking a lil better on the modeling. If that keeps up next day or 2, we maybe looking at a decent snow event. Now if we can only get the one for the 20th to trend better
  2. Icon got better too!. Hope that trend continues on all models next couple days
  3. I like how it increased the last couple frames. Hope that trend continues
  4. Storm is 7 days away. Im not gonna put any kind of faith in any model till about Wednesday lol .. trusting models 7 days out makes as much sense as hiring my ex wife to give a symposium on being faithful! Lol.
  5. I would say know but i know as soon as i see a model show me something good im reeled back in lol
  6. Thats where i live!!. In edgemere (also called sparrows point)
  7. Winds really whipping here. Notice the sideways waves in the water from the wind pushing it... ( i tried posting a video of it but it said it was too large to post lol)
  8. I wonder if the storm for the 20th (if it does happen) would Happen during the Ravens playoff game
  9. Fwiw. This is the GFS output for bwi. It show precipitation amounts. If it verified thats like 15 inches of snow..... like i said if it verified!!!
  10. People are a lil gunshy after the latest disappointment lol
  11. I use 36 inch x 36 inch crab pots but use chicken breasts at bait. They love it. This comuling summer when i go crabbing ill post a video here. Its pretty wild how quickly the pots get filled
  12. I actually drop small peices of chicken in the water around my peir to draw the crabs in works every time
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