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Everything posted by winter_warlock

  1. No it's an actual Pic from a blizzard in The dakotas years ago
  2. Im not picky i just want a blizzard to hammer us like this one did in the dakotas !!!!
  3. Had a few flakes mixed in with rain on Nov 22
  4. Im actually more enthused for the dec 7th time frame
  5. Yea last januarys events did kinda show up on modeling kinda late
  6. Well honeslty with the way models are I wouldnt trust them if they showed a snowstorm anyhow lol
  7. December is looking like a f*ckin gift for us!! With this pattern. We should at least get 1 good widespread snow storm out of it!!
  8. How accurate is the 12Z EURO AIFS compared to the typical EURO? just curious
  9. I think it will be the coldest airmass in December alot of us have seen in about a decade.
  10. 12z gfs. Needs to come a little south but. Not a bad spot for a week out!
  11. Looking like one of the coldest decembers in many many years!
  12. Latest from cpc. Looks even colder in the east...
  13. That was the veterans day storm. President's day storms were in February lol
  14. This pretty much is what our long range models always say ...
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