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Everything posted by winter_warlock

  1. Still over 110 hours away. Models will meander north and south till we get within 48hours. But hell .35 or .40 of liquid could be 6 or 7 inches with 20-1 or 15-1 ratios with temps in low 20s
  2. I'm in baltimore county ( north central md) so I'm hoping for a north tick too :)
  3. https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=LWX&issuedby=LWX&product=AFD&format=CI&version=1&glossary=1&highlight=off
  4. Sterling confidence growing for a winter storm! Disco from sterling.... "Model guidance and ensembles have been hinting at the potential for a winter storm to impact the region Sunday into Monday of next week. The signal for winter storm has been showing up for a couple of days which is starting to build confidence that some snow could be observed early next week. This potential winter event is associated with the possible phasing of a split upper level flow that may occur near or over our region on Monday. Depending on the track of the system, somewhere in the mid-Atlantic could observe a good amount of snow especially considering the incoming arctic air mass. Confidence in any potential snow should increase as we move into the day 4 to 5 period when we start getting additional Hi-Res guidance coming into range of the event."
  5. Saw this on facebook about the coming cold!... fwiw ..... https://www.facebook.com/share/v/VLNGSgNKFkd9xDoX/
  6. Sterling. Got snow in the forecast for Baltimore county maryland..
  7. If euro shows something good also I'll have a weathergasm lol
  8. True but this time is seems other models are trending toward the euro
  9. I'll be up waiting for the euro... curious to see what ukmet says
  10. Yep.. the heaviest snow is usually not far from the mix line
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