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Everything posted by winter_warlock

  1. Cut down by several Inches??? Several??? Lol
  2. Well 12z it had 12 to 18 so even dryer we may still get a warning criteria snowstorm
  3. Plz tell me ull never try to be a motivational speaker lol
  4. To my untrained eye. The 20th actually looks like a better pattern for a more widespread biggie storm. Unless I'm looking at it wrong lol
  5. Wow!!! A foot from Baltimore on north!!!!
  6. Honestly I can't imagine anyone complaining about that!!!
  7. Question for ya all... which model has been more accurate this winter... euro... or the euro AI?
  8. So 2-4 low end ( cmc)and 12 to 18(gfs) high end...... thats a good 6 to 12 area wide on average.. id take that!!
  9. Thsts not bad guys for being the low end.. not ad bad as the doom and gloom I see in here lol
  10. Dude I wouldn't say that !!! still well over 100 hours till event.. models will change at least 10 times by then lol
  11. Like JB says..... " enjoy the weather... its the only weather u got!! " lol
  12. He is very new been here about 12 days lol
  13. If euro AI and original Euro show same thing as Gfs showed this forum will explode
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