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Everything posted by winter_warlock

  1. Yeah well ensembles looked amazing for us for Tuesdays storm 3 days ago lol but that changed lol
  2. Doesn't mean that are right lol I'm in north central md and have temps modeled in the mid 30s lol hard to beleive theyed have same temps 120 miles south
  3. It's obvious that. We're still 100hours out and models have no idea wtf is going on lol
  4. My sister lives in Richmond .. she Said news said NWS is saying not much in the way of snow. Maybe mix. Temps could be in 40s. So I thi k snow maps are way over done lol I even checked the Richmond noaa site and it does say. Mix with temps to low 40s so snow maps over done lol
  5. Oh ok well I hope it was a typo..... or he needs to improve his math skills lol. J/k!
  6. Dude it will not be in DC by Sunday afternoon. Wtf are u looking at??
  7. Wow niceee!! Glad I got my pamper on today!!!! Lmaooooo!!
  8. That's 2 storms lol so north of Richmond... thats not alot for 2 events. But 204 hours out..it won't even look like that in a week lol
  9. Don't get cocky lol it may move back north in 6 hours lol
  10. To the people who are less then thrilled about the drop south.... its still 100+ hours. If I remember correctly. The jan 6th snowstorm didn't get nailed down by models till almost 48 hours before the event. Still 25 model runs( icon, gfs,euro,euro ai) and 12 model runs( cmc,ukmet) to go so beleive me this this gonna change at least a few more times! So plz back off the edge of the cliff lol
  11. Be curious to see if the GEFS ensembles also went south
  12. Be curious to see if the GEFS ensembles also went south
  13. Thats a shift of nearly 100 miles lol just another solution onto cmc and euro
  14. Well I wouldn't wanna be in the bullseye 5 days out anyway lol still 100+ hours togo
  15. I'm sure the mainly rain event next thursday will change a few times by then
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