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Everything posted by psuhoffman

  1. But what’s the barometric pressure in Pittsburgh ?
  2. Pretty good hail here. Also the storm had some rotation. Wind switched direction pretty suddenly during the storm right as the hail set in. Nothing too crazy gust wise. Maybe 40-50mph.
  3. Shouldn’t you be trolling someone on Twitter
  4. I’ve been in a coma for 6 months. What did I miss?
  5. Thank you to all the well wishes. I am alright. I’ve had an intestinal condition my whole life that had complications and required a relatively minor procedure. Im doing very well now and mostly recovered.
  6. I disappeared suddenly due to a health issue and minor surgery. I’m fine and back mostly lurking.
  7. Yea. He liked them all. I think 6&9 were his favorites. He is 5 and if not for the current situation might have waited another year or two but what the hell. We got through all the movies in about a week and are now on the cartoon series Rebels. I think Last Jedi was a good movie as a stand alone movie but it also was the least Star Wars Star Wars movie and had issues as a middle chapter in the trilogy. I see both the critics and fans perspectives. I think Rise of Skywalker would be an awful stand alone movie but was a very good Star Wars movie. So I see why critics panned it (same reason they pan most action flicks) BUT I think with Star Wars fans it suffered from “I’m hurt about #8 so I’m gonna trash #9”. I love Rogue one, it might be the best of the post Lucas films imo.
  8. I remember we talked before you saw the last one. Empire is by far the best and the other originals beat anything since but after viewing the last one again with my son on Disney+ still don’t get the hate. It might not be exactly how I would have done things but it’s entertaining enough if you just watch it as an action movie and don’t bring in the “how you wanted it to end” stuff. It’s not the hard to watch mess some of the prequels were imo.
  9. Something happen over there?
  10. My 5 year old took it upon himself to decorate for my soon to be 2 year olds birthday tomorrow.
  11. Off and on snow showers the last hour.
  12. @losetoa6 we got the cold but the storm just didn’t amplify enough to really get the banding going we needed on the back side.
  13. @jonjon I’ll have to stop in next tine I’m up there.
  14. 39 according to the car. Sensor is dead on my home thermometer
  15. Slush bombs right now. Went out to the car to confirm, definitely partially melted flakes mixed in right now.
  16. Trolls=people who dont agree with you lol? I see you hit up the bait shop this morning.
  17. It was mostly my fault. Instead of ignoring the trolls I got into a flame war with them and it made the thread mostly useless garbage.
  18. As much as you rant about global warming you certainly aren’t averse to giving off hot air!
  19. Jokes aside if this was winter the failure of the American guidance (gfs/NAMs) would have been epic. Adjusting for the warm boundary layers due to the time of year...had this been winter the GFS/NAM would have basically been holding onto a major 6-12” snowstorm for parts of the mid Atlantic and simply caved at less than 24 hours to the rest of global guidance that never really bit on that foolishness.
  20. and all this time I didn't realize i was arguing with the happiest person in the world!
  21. How have you been doing? Hope everything is good. ...my wife went ahead and planted the tomatoes a few days ago when it was nice out...I warned her but she thought I was being silly. We are pretty much screwed up here...might be better off if we did get a coating of snow tomorrow evening to provide some cover and prevent a hard freeze penetrating the plants. Oh well...
  22. I don’t expect anything. Just throwing out something to talk about.
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