Yea. He liked them all. I think 6&9 were his favorites. He is 5 and if not for the current situation might have waited another year or two but what the hell. We got through all the movies in about a week and are now on the cartoon series Rebels.
I think Last Jedi was a good movie as a stand alone movie but it also was the least Star Wars Star Wars movie and had issues as a middle chapter in the trilogy. I see both the critics and fans perspectives. I think Rise of Skywalker would be an awful stand alone movie but was a very good Star Wars movie. So I see why critics panned it (same reason they pan most action flicks) BUT I think with Star Wars fans it suffered from “I’m hurt about #8 so I’m gonna trash #9”.
I love Rogue one, it might be the best of the post Lucas films imo.