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Everything posted by psuhoffman

  1. Maybe because there is way too much of that going around right now...and in most venues I can’t do anything about it. I’d be screaming into the void. But this is a small enough community that I can push back on that crap here. I can at least draw my little line in the sand and defend it. Yea he is obviously going to believe that BS no matter what but I’m going to call him out on it every time . And it does have impact. At the least it very obviously got him all bent because he can’t answer any of my points!
  2. I think she was referring to my spat with Howard
  3. Early next week is a little more separation from being something.
  4. @WEATHER53 Stop whining to the refs and defend yourself if you think what you said is legit and should be taken seriously. I called you out. What you said was total and complete nonsense. You have said similar garbage for years and I have called you out for it before. It's insulting to the people who work on NWP and you are directly attacking their integrity without a spec of evidence to support your claim. I laid out my evidence and cited specific reasons why what you said is wrong and shouldn't be taken seriously. You have never once offered a defense. You have never refuted a single one of my accusations. You simply play this "I'm being persecuted" nonsense game and whine and complain that you're under attack. You don't want to have your comments refuted...then don't post crazy nonsense like that, and worse, think that crap is somehow immune from reproach and critical analysis. If you think what you said was legitimate and should be taken seriously, defend it. Refute what I said. Offer logical arguments and EVIDENCE to support your claim. If you cannot do that then you shouldn't make accusations like that and spread stupid nonsense.
  5. I do not suffer ignorance. There are plenty of subjects I don't know anything about. But I don't just make up crazy BS and pass it off as legit. Or worse think that crazy nonsense should carry any weight or is somehow above reproach. ETA: I teach constitutional law so its hard not to get into that...my refute wasn't that the constitution is optional...its that the constitution is vague enough in most areas such that its never that simple. During two different periods in our history we locked people up for criticizing the President and courts did not think that violated the 1st Amendment. We totally ignored the 14th Amendment for almost 100 years. Somehow eminent domain didn't protect native tribes. Due Process didn't apply to Japanese Americans in WWII. The 2nd Amendment wasn't an individual right for 200 years and then the courts decided it was. The Constitution has been interpreted, re-interpreted, and manipulated so many times that using it as a concrete end all to any issue is kind of disingenuous IMO. But everyone is entitled to their opinion of how those rights SHOULD be interpreted. And we can have an amicable debate about that...unless you start spouting nonsense like saying the illuminati wrote the Bill of Rights as a way to fool American's into thinking we have freedom so they can subjugate us (not kidding had that come up recently). There is a limit to what I tolerate.
  6. You never even defend what you say. You spout some crazy nonsense then when you’re called on it instead of offering evidence or logical arguments to support your stance you just whine and cry about how someone is picking on you. Weak
  7. Another thing to watch wrt that feature...if it can really bomb out into the 50/50 area it would improve our chances with the Dec 12-15 period.
  8. 2013/14 is interesting because if you ignore the central equatorial pacific (raging Nina right now) the rest of the global SST anomaly patterns are very similar. 2013 Now
  9. Gfs had a better week than the euro. Euro has been trending towards a more Gfs like solution this weekend and Eps caved to the Eastern ridge day 9/10 that the gefs picked up on 36 hours ago.
  10. I don’t look at synoptic details past 100 hours but if that Baffin block day 7 on the euro is correct we should get opportunities
  11. Don’t have a lot of time today but it’s a very good look pretty much the whole run.
  12. As long as you mean Ant and not the accuweather HM
  13. The guidance backed off some on the mjo wave today and so mid month looks a lot colder. Way too soon to draw any conclusions yet. Today was a good trend though.
  14. Lol it got that one storm in 2006 and has been living off it ever since.
  15. For 5 minutes maybe. I mean you complained 2010 was a bust in the 5 weeks between epic snow blitzes then again in early March because it didn’t snow again after Feb 10. ETA: it’s ok. That’s you man. I’m not trying to pick on ya just saying...
  16. I predict you won’t be satisfied either way
  17. That was a statement that if this indeed is only transient (which is still unclear) it won’t do is much good. We may get a favorable period before it breaks down. But we are wasting a week of a pretty good H5 look first.
  18. One problem when the preceding and dominant pattern is complete garbage puke like it has been recently is that transient decent patterns do us little good since there is no cold air within 1000 miles of us when the pattern changes. By the time we recover a workable temperature profile in the conus the pattern is breaking down.
  19. Build a 5000 ft house and hang out on your roof.
  20. Do you think we will hit-35 Howard? It’s gonna move northeast from WV through NC.
  21. Been doing family holiday stuff and catching up on work and didn’t post but the other day when I glanced at the actual eps members it appeared to me the breakdown was more due to a significant but minority camp of solutions that re-established the Nina pattern and went crazy with a +NAO and conus ridge. That camp was washing out the other members that still had a more favorable look. I rarely have time to dig that deep anymore but the mean cam sometimes be misleading. That said I’m guarded about mid December due to hints the mjo wants to amplify near the MC. That could return is to the Nina puke pattern. What I’m interested in seeing is if that is transient or locks in.
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