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Everything posted by psuhoffman

  1. There is a LOT of mixing along 95 but goes to snow for the crazy deform band with 3-6" at the end...before that is really iffy. Sitting right on the 850 0 line the whole time is not usually where you want to be because unless the entire column is exactly isothermal there is going to be a slightly warmer layer somewhere or in between panels. Verbatim this run looks like a 6-12" storm for places like Winchester, MRG, My area...4-8" NW of the fall line out to a Purvellville to Westminster line with mixing and 3-6" along 95 with a lot of mixing until that deform band cools the column... Is it too soon to lock down the exact location of a deform?
  2. 11/22/24 4.1 12/5/24 0.2 12/15/24 0.5 12/20/24 0.9 1/3/24 0.5 1/6/25 4 1/11/25 1.5 1/16/25 0.4 1/17/25 0.1 1/19/25 6.5 Total 18.7
  3. You need to know your climo. There are 8 pretty good analogs in the last 30 years to this season and 7/8 produced good snow for a part of this forum in March! Forget the analogs just in the last 20 years 2005, 2009, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2022 all produced snow around here in March. Many missed YOU because you chose to live in a Fckn snow hole that has a low chance of snow even in a good pattern. On top of that you don’t count snow that doesn’t stick to the road lol. But seriously why does someone who needs snow like you seem too live where you do? You know if you moved 15 miles NW you’d average 10” more a year. 25 miles and you’d double your average! Stop complaining about the realities of your climo and do something. If you need snow and want snow that sticks on the road move somewhere that’s normal because it’s a huge anomaly where you live.
  4. BTW... after re-examining the analogs today...2009 which was one of my top analogs going into the winter...still remains at the top. It's just been a snowier version of that year so far because of that one hit...but when you look at the pattern for Dec and Jan its a really really close match. We had a really nice period of blocking in early January 2009 and it was a precursor to 2010 and 2011... just saying.
  5. Yea...and that's why I said "no thanks" to any southern snow chase...
  6. Yea I remember that...somehow the storm ended up with this huge but diffuse QPF field. It had an impressively large area of snowfall but no real jack zone considering it was a 990 low coming out of the gulf. Part of the problem was it had a messy phase and didnt really amplify as it came up the coast...so it behaved almost like an occluded cyclone instead of the amplifying storms we are used to at our latitude.
  7. Yea the analog set is very nice for our area actually. We are very likely not done wrt snowfall up here...Actually even if we pull out 2014 as the high outlier...the average of the other 7 analog years from Feb 1 to the end of winter for Manchester is 16.1" with a minimum of 11.5". We should make a run at 30" according to the analogs...which while below average is at least close to our median of about 35". "
  8. I had a great time in the 4" of snow I got in November this year...knowing full well it would be gone the next day! I enjoyed the 6" snow I got in March 2022 also knowing it wouldn't last long. It's true that once we get past PD2 might as well get the idea of some run of sustained snowcover out of your head south of 40...its all about one off hits at that point and enjoying them in the moment.
  9. Yup that's exactly where the gradient started...after you get off that ridge the main part of town is on...it goes down dramatically...there is maybe 2 miles between the town and Walmart and it goes from 5-6" to 3" and 3 might be generous. It was one of the crazier gradients I've seen that wasn't caused by marginal temps.
  10. 2005 we got 2 snows the last week of February. We got a smaller but decent snow a few days after the PD2 blizzard in 2003. We got a 3-5" snowstorm Feb 25 in 2007. North of 70 in MD got a 3-6" snow on Feb 22 in 2011. Feb 21 2015 we got a 4-8" snowstorm across the area. MD got a 2-4" snow on Feb 22 2021.
  11. There were several small snows in some of those years, but the NW parts of our region did much better. There was a well timed follow up wave in Feb 2018 that gave the area 1-4" of snow. 2022 I got 6" from another example of that and the northern 1/3 of the area got 1-4" but 95 just missed out...I think there was about an inch in the cities from that. I know 2019 was a nino officially but it acted more like a nina and had a similar pattern and we got a 3-5" snow from a boundary wave following a cold front during one of the rare cold windows. So its not a total no hope pattern...but if things do progress the way they look...if we don't score during the window around Jan 28-Feb 2, we are probably waiting until March for the next chance at a big snowstorm.
  12. @HighStakes the Walmart 4 miles SE of us only got 3"! Westminster looked like even less...crazy sharp gradient just to our south and east...there was a noticeable difference as soon as you got south of town just a couple miles away from us. We got really lucky, we were pretty much on the edge of where that fgen banding set up. In the end the NW trend almost got us up here too!
  13. If we do go into a milder period in Feb we will probably flip cold in March. Not because JB says so...because the statistics say so. If we look at all cold enso years, including cold neutral, in the last 30 years...and take years where January had a significant cold period and a more poleward pacific ridge, we come up with 8 analogs. Analogs January h5: looks very similar to this year Analog pattern for February Also looks close to what guidance is showing...we did snow in a few of those years in Feb but some of them were pretty lean... But almost all of them flipped cold again for some portion of March and 7/8 years featured a March snowstorm for at least a portion of our region. March...
  14. URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 11:00 AM EST Tue Jan 21 2025 MDZ003>005-502-VAZ027>031-WVZ050>053-055-502-504-220300- /O.CAN.KLWX.CW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250123T1500Z/ /O.NEW.KLWX.CW.Y.0008.250122T0500Z-250122T1600Z/ Washington-Frederick MD-Carroll-Central and Eastern Allegany- Shenandoah-Frederick VA-Page-Warren-Clarke-Hampshire-Morgan- Berkeley-Jefferson-Hardy-Eastern Grant-Eastern Mineral- Including the cities of Hagerstown, Frederick, Ballenger Creek, Eldersburg, Westminster, Cumberland, Strasburg, Woodstock, Mount Jackson, New Market, Winchester, Luray, Shenandoah, Stanley, Front Royal, Berryville, Romney, Paw Paw, Martinsburg, Charles Town, Shepherdstown, Moorefield, Petersburg, Antioch, Keyser, New Creek, Ridgeville, Russelldale, Headsville, and Fort Ashby 1100 AM EST Tue Jan 21 2025 ...Cirrus Warning IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM TUESDAY AFTERNOON THROUGH 11 AM EST WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Cirrus expected. * WHERE...Portions of north central and western Maryland, northwest Virginia and eastern West Virginia. * WHEN...From 1 pm today to 11 AM EST Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Dull hazy sky conditions with the risk of severe boredom if precautions are not taken. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use caution while traveling outside. Bring electronic devices or card games to avoid boredom.
  15. I'm fine with where it was on that run...noise level changes for that range would have made it a hit. Now back to posting about snow in New Orleans and arguing over the accuracy of thermometers
  16. But for it to end some of the same posters who complain whenever anything that supports warming is even hinted at...need to stop making blatant anti warming posts. It's a two way street...if they don't want us talking about how its getting warmer...they can't keep making posts implying its not.
  17. As long as the AO doesn’t go extremely positive we can still get some snow. The odds of a 6”+ event along 95 go way down but 2-4” type events are definitely still possible.
  18. Look at the west and central pac. Opposite of recent years. That will adjust colder.
  19. Yes but what makes even more sense is for everyone to use the same scale!
  20. Yes but colors make a 1-2 degree change look more impactful than it actually is. This is like when some freaked out over that one gfs run that decreased QPF by .05 but because it changed blue to green it looked like some huge change.
  21. The scary thing is that 20 year mean doesn’t include 2021-2024 which would skew it even warmer. But in the end it’s not a significant difference to our snow chances. Both are showing temps that are slightly too warm on the whole but indicate enough cold around that with a lucky storm track we can score. It’s not the shut the blinds pattern we feared. And more importantly the gefs and eps continue to trend colder as leads shorten.
  22. @mitchnick took a min because WxBell doesn’t specify. But Ji posted that wxmodels map that says 20 year mean and it matches the wxbell map for that day perfectly so obviously they use the same mean.
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