There is a lot of truth here...but I think there was a moment yesterday when thinking a 6-10” storm was likely wasn’t a weenie overreaction. Just look at what some red tags were saying! That wasn’t the max run either. There were a couple NAM runs that showed 12-16”. At a point yesterday when all guidance was indicating 6”+ was very likely and things were steadily trending the right way I think setting a bar of a 6” storm was realistic.
For some (me) it’s not that easy to just go into “oh well at least it will snow” mode. Maybe that’s because I’m a big storm chaser not a snow chaser. And by big storm it doesn’t have to be 20”. That 3” squall I had last winter was awesome. That was memorable. 6” in 4 hours is memorable. This is just me, and I know most don’t agree and that’s cool, but I could care less about a 2” storm. Yea while it’s happening I’ll enjoy it some and it’s fine but I don’t track for that. Frankly I would rather a winter where I got 10” all in one storm then a winter with 30” that all fell 1-3” at a time. That’s a whole lot of blah to me. But I don’t begrudge anyone enjoying the crap out of 1” of snow. Good for them!
I do think a couple were going too far with the debbing. Some were making it even worse then it was. I felt like all I was doing was analyzing the runs same as I always do only since they were bad the observations were “it’s bad”.