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Everything posted by uofmiami

  1. 93 for the high in Muttontown (93.1) & Syosset (92.8) today.
  2. Looks like 89 is the high for both Syosset (88.9) & Muttontown (88.7) today.
  3. I’ll take more phantom lows this winter.
  4. 86.9 in Muttontown & 87.4 in Syosset for today's high.
  5. Not surprised, has been a theme this whole summer it seems. Take the under on the extended heat along the coast. Inland locations from C NJ on S&W look to roast for 5 days of 90+ though.
  6. 52.4 in Muttontown & 53.3 in Syosset this morning.
  7. Is there something at 20N/50W at the surface? All the models have a weakness at 500mb at that location.
  8. Only up to 89 at both my stations, Muttontown & Syosset, so far.
  9. 87 for the high in Syosset & Muttontown.
  10. 1” to 1.50”/hr on KOKX. Yellow is 2”/hr rainfall on my RadarScope. Port Washington to Westbury are in line for that it seems.
  11. 10 here in Syosset & 13 in Muttontown.
  12. See if the smoke messes up the temps for Tuesday.
  13. Just had two mornings of 58 for the low in Muttontown on Friday & Saturday. I’ll take these cooler summer mornings as they come, a welcomed break.
  14. They have any hail today? Doesn’t that get recorded as a T of snow? Thought I remember that happening at some other station one summer in the area, maybe my memory is wrong though.
  15. Yep radar estimate shows it well and matches up with my two stations in NE Nassau. Muttontown with 4.93” and Syosset with 3.86”
  16. Looks like I’ll end up with around 4” in Syosset and 5” in Muttontown when this is done shortly. Had stronger winds in Tuesday’s storms but I expected that.
  17. 4.74” in Muttontown & 3.72” in Syosset. Highest gusts at both is 29mph.
  18. Looks like a deformation band is just setup over E Nassau/W Suffolk as Elsa starts to move away from us. Too bad this isn’t a winter storm, haha. 2.97” in Muttontown & 2.49” in Syosset so far from t-storms and Elsa.
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