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Everything posted by uofmiami

  1. Didn’t enter Central Park snowfall contest in NYC subforum. Did he post a winter outlook either?
  2. Webber has a thread this morning on what he thinks is driving pattern and it’s not the MJO:
  3. Snowing in N Syosset with a temp of 34.8. Flakes change to silver dollar in size from time to time.
  4. Snow mixed with rain in N Syosset. 36.5 currently.
  5. We'll take our mood flakes on the N Shore should it occur.
  6. 26 (Muttontown) & 30 (Syosset) for the lows.
  7. Below freezing at both my stations, 29 & 31 and dropping.
  8. This was an interesting reply he posted, we shall see…
  9. 29 in Muttontown & 31 in Syosset for the lows.
  10. Down to 38 already in Syosset. If clouds hold off frost a good possibility.
  11. I shut mine off after Saturday morning. Can see the grass isn’t growing much, so no point anymore with sun angle dropping. It’s the latest I’ve kept them running, usually blown out around mid to late October.
  12. 79 at both my stations today as well. Muttontown was 41 for the low, Syosset was 43 this morning.
  13. W Pac recurving typhoon, watch for it. Only posted a few days ago about it. There’s going to be a cold shot start of November timeframe imo.
  14. 39 Muttontown & 46 Syosset this morning.
  15. Have the W PAC typhoon recurving possibly for the end of month into November.
  16. 37 in Muttontown & 40 in Syosset this morning.
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