Correct- But one would still rather see it move e or se as we continue to close in on the storm rather than the opposite. Is the nam perfect? no. But it's still taken into account. If it would ever be right, it would be short time.
Will rgem follow?
Yeah.. I think the NAM is actually on to something here. It looks much more traditional with it's qpf depiction, and to what many of us thought and agreed on for jackpot areas.
Is Mike Wankum dumbing it down or is he dumb? Is he talking about the dry air? New GFS from 18z? What Mike... What
@MetMikeWCVB 3m3 minutes ago
The new and improved GFS want to drive warmer air father inland. Reducing totals near the coast. #wcvb
I wish coastal flooding people would weigh in because I have no idea comparatively to some other storm related stuff. I'm within sight of Boston Harbor from the parents... but that kind of stuff doesn't affect us. We are sheltered.