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Everything posted by TalcottWx

  1. It's amazing the way it was evident for like the last hour on the 3rd and 4th tilt. My biggest recommendation to Weenies is to get to know the higher dipper tilts.
  2. It's setting up over the United Jewish Communities of Metro West
  3. Already seeing better snow here. Sucks it's appearing to try and set up just west of here. Is what it is! Still trying to nail down it's exact location.
  4. It always had the look on upper tilts that the SE band was more dominant. Made sense looking at OKX radar too. It was the middle band between the two main areas of 7h fronto. Very interesting hour ahead as this eastern fronto band decides whether it pivots over BOS or 495.
  5. Here is the OKX radar from the same period. You can see how the bands are connected overall. They are close to their pivot points right now. The jackpots are being decided.
  6. Here's your radar at 10:30. You can see the hints of a super band setting up Groton-N RI-BOS.
  7. That would be my main point, you're obviously not wrong either, lol. Who would I be to say you're wrong? I kinda compare it to summer convection... Can see the CAPE, severe parameters, and simulated reflectivity.. But it's going to jump around run-to-run.
  8. Sort of a misconception. We frequently harp on only using it to see a general trend over several runs instead of individually. That would make its' value as a nowcasting model nearly zero. Yes, fair to look at. I just think there's a lot more value in nowcasting more traditionally right now.
  9. I have no faith in any of the meso models to decide banding during or just before a storm. Good for a general idea. Really that's all. This storm has always been about where the bands decide to park their ass. I think one would get a much better idea from looking at radar than the HRRR at this point.
  10. None of them are going to be able to handle banding in the middle of a storm. I've played that game before and usually ends up being a waste of time. Satellite and radar are already here.
  11. Looks like we're about to have a megaband form just barely north and west of BOS. Upper tilts suggest it. I'm fine with that. Winds are blowing out of the NNE anyway.
  12. Long story short: this is working out exactly how we thought
  13. 1. Compress the images you post 2. Delete old attachments Not sure why the board decided to not allow embedded images anymore. Pain in the azz.
  14. That band struggled to push into the interior. Reinforcing band came in from the SE. They both seem to be congealing over BOS. Might get crushed here in the city.
  15. The band to the SE of the ORH band is the primary one I think.
  16. Hopefully it slides east and congeals over BOS because no one cares about metro west
  17. My God. Woke up around 40 minutes ago. Massive dendrites on HGH and heavy snow. Heaven.
  18. I have like 2-300 pictures on my phone. Not sure why my USB won't work with the desktop. Need to make a folder and share it...
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