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Everything posted by TalcottWx

  1. Many mets just rip and reading qpf maps, it's showing on social media.
  2. No offense, I love the coverage, but you're going to have me driven up a wall if we track thunderstorms off the delmarva
  3. I'm riding 6-12" inside the 95 Belt. Isolated totals over 12" too.
  4. I disagree with the mid level look. It will probably be ORH on East. Maybe 495 on East.
  5. Somewhere in our area is going to jack. Mid levels are perfect. I'd rather be here than SE MA if that verifies.
  6. I'd be extremely bullish 6-12" for inside 128 maybe 495 with that mid level look.
  7. Hour 72 is the only one missing on weathermodels.com for the gfs... Lol
  8. Everything is delayed in Canada now, the green is legal
  9. This is honestly my snow map. Exactly what I think.
  10. I am perhaps one of the few sickos who uses that model a lot within 24hr.... I honestly don't even look at it until about 12 hours before the event... Pretty much worthless at this time frame
  11. I'd have 3-6" Boston at this time frame. There is a solid chance this becomes 6-10" if things break right.
  12. Ever since they lost Maue it was bad. I love weathermodels. Glad I made the switch.
  13. I think this ends up being 6-10" BOS. Locally higher amounts near 12" south shore and SE MA.
  14. 16.5" The usual two inches short. Like many of our members
  15. Anyone experience power issues near Boston? Just had a big time failure at Mystic 8 and 9 power plant.
  16. Modeled widespread. Tomorrow will be quite snowy. Favors the north.
  17. LOL it's like there's an organized weenie mob backing up Ray on Twitter right now.
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