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Everything posted by TalcottWx

  1. That's odd. Thought you were in Billerica?
  2. Name me a full time job that is MEMA, or weather related, and I will be there on Monday.
  3. Ya, I reached out her on FB. Known her for years, worked with my Dad. Wasn't even sure if it would get popularity. She said if anyone from media asked, do not provide her name, said probably easier to just use mine so she doesn't have to talk to anyone.
  4. I've always liked watching planes and amazed at their capabilities and the pilots vast knowledge and experience to deal with last minute changes like today's weather. My wife's a flight attendant out of Boston, so I get to hear about a lot of stories. I don't fly often. I would love a job that requires it. But when I do fly, all I do is stare out the window. I constantly look at the aviation charts in the days leading up to the flight. It's a ton of fun.
  5. Got a hold of an awesome video from a friend who wants nothing to do with talking to media. So before I get accused of being James and you see a video with my name on it on the news, that's why.
  6. Luckily Logan doesn't have the major altitude differences that cause many of the low level shear plane accidents. So by the time they reach visibility minimums, pilots have plenty of time to go around. Logan got down to a cat 1 ceiling today. In order to fly a CAT I approach, the cloud based (ceiling) must be no lower than 200 feet and the visibility must be no lower than 550 metres. This is because the pilots must be able to visually identify the runway no later than 200 feet above the ground to be able to land. It goes up to cat 3 ils, there are also several variances to cat 3, making landing requirements more strict. CAT IIIa has a minimum ceiling of 50 ft and a minimum visibility of 200 metres. CAT IIIb has no minimum ceiling, but there must be at least 50 metres of visibility. For a CAT IIIc, which has not actually been implemented anywhere, there are no minimum limits for ceiling and visibility. Would lead one to believe, 'why isn't cat 3 all the time?'. Cost and pilot experience from most of my research is what limits that. Always loved planes. It what drew me to weather. Trying to land in low vis while following exact directions is difficult to do alone in a flight Sim, let alone in real life. I've seen bad conditions ground planes for awhile at Logan. Usually only 30-60 mins. Snow operations some times cannot keep up more than anything. Especially considering blowing and drifting on open airport hellscapes. This was a unique one. Perhaps the type of event we really only accurately pick up immediately now due to things like TDWR. We can see the microbursts in real time now. Thought it was really obvious pike region to BOS was the target about an hour before due to the cu field and boundary. Did not expect the multiple microbursts though. So a lot of lightning today out of tcu that wasn't even registering on radar yet, exploding into hail packed 70mph monsters just 7 minutes later. There's a really delicate balance of Seabreeze, outflow boundaries etc that seems to contribute to promoting these microbursts right at the coastline. I truthfully believe Scott may be right regarding uhi and addition of building in Seaport. It's become truly obnoxious. It's beautifully obnoxious if you enjoy coeds. But a SW wind or W wind probably does bring more heat than even five years ago. But this does not excuse more recent issues with the *temperature* (not wind) readings.
  7. A sight to behold lol. Drove down to take those storm pics. Could tell Logan was running FAST. Big international departures one after another. Trying to catch up.
  8. Definitely been an above average severe weather season east of ORH, or so it would seem
  9. Whoa. Will have to check this out when I get out of work in 10.
  10. Departures just started again. Arrivals building. Happy I've never been in a holding pattern lol
  11. Logan is not moving anything until 5:15pm... Check out all the planes in a holding pattern.
  12. Cannot believe that video. Can't believe I missed it. AC better work when I get home.
  13. The ASOS identifies as gender neutral
  14. Lol. The cell over Logan died. Went over my head. Reformed a mile south of this location.
  15. This tool caught a video of the downburst
  16. Whooooa. Upper tilts of radar just lit up over Dorchester. Cell is about to explode. Look out for another microburst.
  17. This is baby back bullsh*t. Sun is out here at work. My house has been getting rattled for 45 minutes straight by a severe thunderstorm. Constant thunder here. Not much rain. No wind. Under severe warning.
  18. tdwr had a microburst over the ocean, so that would make sense
  19. Pretty crazy. Looks like it might miss this area. Cells are pulsing so hard to guess who is getting hit. Severe threat diminishing. Real part of the line has outflow racing ahead of it.
  20. Looked like tdwr picked up a microburst over the bay 20 minutes or so ago
  21. Might need an FFW for portions of Suffolk County. The cells are training over similar areas.
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