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Jeff B

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About Jeff B

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Reisterstown, MD - Elevation 607'
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  1. Currently in Deep Creek for a long “ski” weekend. Conditions at Wisp as horrid with half the slopes open and lots of bare spots. Too bad it’ll fall overnight as snowstorms up here at pretty amazing overlooking the lake. Will make everything pretty but will need more to open any more slopes.
  2. 28/20, 4 miles west of Hunt Valley
  3. Steady light snow here 4 miles west of Hunt Valley. Picking up nicely. 24/19 Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. 25/9, 4 miles west of Hunt Valley Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. 33° and not budging. So close yet so far. Steady thick rain most of afternoon. 0.78” so far.
  6. In the Baltimore County u-shaped hole attm. Hovering at 31° with snow/sleet mix this morning.
  7. 25/20 2 miles WSW of Oregon Ridge Park
  8. Flurries also in 21136
  9. 1.73 was Sunday’s total. Pouring and the moment with more heavy returns coming up from the south.
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