This was my favorite image from Snowmageddon. I had been hyping this storm to my Facebook Profile for 4 days prior to the storm. I was going BIG the whole way (thanks to this Board - well, I mean the predecessor Board, but same folks). 36 hours before Snowmageddon started, I posted "2.8 - 3.2 QPF !!!!!" on Facebook. Of course nobody knew what that meant, so my post read "If this storm verifies, it will be the largest storm in history to ever hit Baltimore (it wasn't - that was "officially" February 15-18, 2003) (see footnote 1 below). When people asked me what that meant, I said "28 to 32 inches". Many gave me a "like" button, some said "Bring it", etc., but all the other posters made comments such as "nobody else on tv is/are calling for that" (remember that was 36 hours prior to start). When it verified, I was a local hero to my Facebook friends. And when I hit again on last weeks storm when TV was at "low qpf and rain", I became their official winter met (again thanks to all you).
Look at that thing (carefully) !!!! Do you see that? It is touching CANADA and COSTA RICA at the same time!!!! My comment when I posted to Facebook was simply "Here she comes!"
And look behind that storm back in the Pac NW. You know what that was, right? That was Snowmageddon II.
Such an AWESOME winter last year.
Footnote 1: First, it must be remembered that Snowmageddon was an event, not a storm. There were two storms within, more or less, 3 days. I will call them "Snowmageddon I" and "Snowmageddon II". But was "Snowmageddon I" the recordbreaker at BWI? You see, when it comes to measuring snow, the people at BWI, well, they "did it wrong". See Snowmageddon (the event) apparently also caused this controversy: http://weblogs.maryl..._all_ranke.html Unless I am mistaken, to-date we do not have an "official" calculation for Snowmageddon I at BWI.