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Everything posted by AdamHLG

  1. currently mostly cloudy skies northern Baltimore heading into noon time is not exactly the look I am going for on severe potential days.
  2. ^^nice. I guess nothing up for today? I remember 3 or 4 days ago today was a potential severe day. Maybe not so much now. Anything on the horizon.... so to speak.... in the upcoming 3-4 days? Or just hot hot hot?
  3. Having just gotten power back on Sat night after last Tuesday's storms, be careful what you wish for!!
  4. Power back!!! Thanks for letting me vent on here. Closing the book on this one now! .
  5. We are still out - day 5. However, about 1 hour ago, the electric army has finally arrived!! .
  6. Same boat. But this morning there is a BGE pickup truck "sitting on the line" (his words not mine). Says no ETA but he sent up a drone and is uploading the footage to the logistics coordinator. I told him good luck I can barely get a text out of my phone, and only if it does not have an attachment. He laughed. I did not. He says he needs to sit there now to babysit it per BGE policy. So someone at BGE must know this guy is sitting there and that he needs help. It's ironic because as he and I were talking a cable tv guy in a bucket truck no less, there to inspect and report, was walking right over the downed lines and pole and he warned him that the lines could energize at any second due to generator back feed or a tree falling down the line that can drop another line onto the dead circuit. The response was "oh - I got you man. Thanks". SMH. I think most lay people know this. That guy should have known better.
  7. Well at least I got that going for me. You can't lose power if you still have no power. :--(
  8. Progress. Pole and tree removed earlier today. I spied a utility truck from somewhere about an hour ago. .
  9. No power. Given up on saving the food. Given up on the BGE Outage Tracker also.
  10. At least there’s a utility truck at your dad’s place! We still don’t have power on Chestnut Ridge in Northern Baltimore County and they haven’t even cleared the debris yet or started the fix yet and no crews even assigned yet! If you look closely the fallen tree it took out the lines and snapped the pole at the base. What worries me that only 1 of about 8 people I know in this general area got restored so far. It is all well water around here so no power = no water. And no wi-fi means no internet or, if you are lucky, 1 bar of service good enough for a text with no attachments but no data throughput. At least my office has power. I had a portable emergency generator on a transfer switch to run the well pump, refrigerator, one outlet, and 1 light on each level of the house, but that died after 7 hours, but regardless, it did not run air conditioning and after the first night of laying wide awake every minute all night long in a dark internet-less 85 degree home, we got a nearby hotel room last night. At that hotel were about a hundred line workers from various states lodging for the night. There are utility truck convoys everywhere and staging areas setup. I am encouraged we will get restored over the next 24 hours but I am starting to have my doubts. Northern Balt County got hit really hard. Still nothing like the Hurricane Isabel aftermath which was incredibly destructive, but it does invoke memories. We lost power for 7 days after Isabel. We are up to 3 days now - by far the the longest since then. .
  11. In the Chestnut Ridge area of northern Baltimore county the amount of downed trees and lines is astounding. We have no power and our street completely blocked with a downed tree and wires everywhere. They’re not even working on it yet. BGE estimate says 4:15 pm today. I am doubting that. I’m lucky a tree didn’t hit the house and no direct damage. Branch removal alone from our yard will take hours of chain saw work. .
  12. Trees and wires are down everywhere - everywhere - near Chestnut Ridge in Central Baltimore County. We have no power.
  13. Only 15 minutes ago in Baltimore County I would have said "its over" but son of a gun the sun is shining. I guess we have a chance.
  14. If we are going to need destabilization for severe this afternoon / evening it has not even started yet in central Maryland. Extensive cloud cover and actually feels cool outside.
  15. So by that logic we also get a few days of above average, right? Whatever the answer, yesterday was friggin cold for March 28. I'll happily take that in January.
  16. ^^ I was just thinking that. It will probably get here right as the last flake falls. I mean this is bonus snow, but the B word has been awoken and I am quite concerned it went back to sleep. .
  17. I hate these setups. Rain changing to snow soon after onset of precip is fun. Anafrontal setups is watching rain (sometimes heavy) streaming down the street along with our tears of what could have been… only to get pity snow after the climax of precipitation. Yawn. Win lose or draw, thank you all for another great winter of online analysis, comment and banter. Anticipation awaits for severe season and RadarScope watching. And then tropical season. And then we shall meet again and I hope next winter doesn’t suck as much as this one. At least you DC folks got the early Jan storm. Up here in Mappy territory the last good one was 2016. Another miss this year. Too long. .
  18. Meanwhile…. Radar looks pretty lit given the low expectations. .
  19. Yes, I mean I have given up, not that it is actually over. More specifically, I have given up on a MECS, HECS and BECS for this season, not that it can't conceivably happen. I would love to be proven wrong and, if so, ya'll can lambast me for the next 10 years as the guy that gave up too soon.
  20. I’ve given up. I’m in this game for the HECS, MECS and BECS. Last one of those was 2016 in northern Baltimore county and it’s been too long. We’re not getting a March 93 this year and we all know it. Time for severe season. .
  21. I can faintly hear something but it’s not quite clear. I think I can make it out but may need another week to actually hear it. I think “sun angel” maybe? “Sun … something”. But it is getting louder every day. .
  22. You inspired me to search back even further to mIRC and #neweather from the mid 1990s. What ever happened to Gary Gray? Remember him? Here’s some nostalgia. I can’t find anything earlier than this. https://groups.google.com/g/ne.config/c/vliX4IYeVmQ/m/iLjPoXTF12UJ I remember being on mIRC for the blizzard of 96 and watching the posts float by in real time as I first learned the definition of QPF. I remember him saying “2.8 inches QPF I see it but I can’t believe it” within 12 hours of that storm commencing. We got 27”. .
  23. I wrote this yesterday. Keep your feet on the ground and reach for the stars. Been here too long since the days of Internet Relay Chat in mid 90s. We’ve seen this movie before. Just keep the emotion in check! .
  24. Thank you! I only needed to scroll up 2 posts to see this and I can go back to my day job. That only took 5 seconds and I love a quick meeting. See y'all for the afternoon briefing.
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