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Everything posted by AdamHLG

  1. I live in a warned area earlier tonight in Chestnut Ridge area Baltimore County. My property took a direct strike tonight - split a massive tree in our front yard and split it down the center. The charge got picked up by our landscape lighting and entered the house and blew up the lighting transformer in my garage (during initial damage assessment there was a haze in garage and 911 was initiated. FD came out and secondary search found the transformer blew up and blackened the wall (that was the haze) , took out 2 GFCI outlets that are now blinking red and dead, my main network switch is dead , a raspberry pi Homebridge computer is dead, my main tv is dead , and I still haven’t finished damage assessment. . Massive tree and its branches down in my yard. Pics when I get internet back I have half a bar. Nobody injured. I was siting on front steps 20 min earlier listening to very distant thunder and saw all the flashes afar and on RadarScope (while cells still in Frederick / start of Carroll). I had some time but then the TSW was issued so I came inside well in advance. Never - ever - expected a direct strike. Holy **** was that scary. The tree 25 feet away. I have a little ptsd about it and new respect for lightning (not that I ever didn’t have it - but wait till I post the tree and transformer tomorrow. That was closest strike of my life with property damage on top of it. . Severe lightning direct hit unlocked. I can be done now.
  2. After nailing the “friends and family” forecast all day, now I’m getting texts that I was wrong and were “going to get tornados”. SMH. This is a thankless hobby.
  3. I would say that was no Accident - but based on the Facebook post it appears it was.
  4. You can have a dark theme by using this board via TapaTalk and TapaTalk Pro in the app stores. Then search for our site. Then set that app to dark mode.
  5. Let me guess. It is a WWA until 3" on the ground with rates - and then it becomes a Warning. I have seen this movie before.
  6. Winter Weather Advisory Northern Baltimore County? Tell me that is fake news :---(
  7. O wow. You know… we did have pinhole leaks years ago in our copper pipes. A whole bunch over the course of a few years. Like 10 years ago. Now I’m wondering if that was related to PD1 PD2 and 2009-10 etc. I never even thought of that !!!
  8. Interesting. Im not sure how it is affecting my well, but ironically we need to add salt to our water to soften it. But that’s pure rock salt. Not sure what is in the actual chemicals they put on the road but I’m sure they’re not buying the big bags of rock salt at home depot like me.
  9. Just a smidge over 4”. Absolutely will take.
  10. 1996 was my first winter online when I found the first internet relay chat and the Blizzard of 96 was my first online storm. It was different back then. IRC was a scrolling live feed like a ticker tape. If you walked away for 30 min you had to scroll all the way back. About 30 min before the first flake I remember someone posted “2.8 inches of QPF!!!!! I see it but I can’t believe it”. And then it happened. And I was hooked.
  11. Can confirm. Ive been here since #neweather on Internet Relay Chat.
  12. What camera / lens ? Very nicely done. May steal your tiny snowman idea sometime. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Great work.
  13. Ok because I’m OCD the 1” record is officially over IMBY. It’s also snowing nicely ! This is a win. Been too long.
  14. Day 717 of the 1” snowless record. Excited to break the streak today! Almost there.
  15. Everyone said last week we needed to clear the weekend systems before we got a real look at today and Friday - and how bout that - we cleared the weekend systems and now the models picking up on it again. It is only Monday. Maybe just maybe the original idea of a warning criteria storm will start the trend today.
  16. I love that I know and understand weather and that as I stand in boog’s bbq line and watch people in bright sunlight that I am part of the 5 out of 100 people on average that knew to bring sunglasses when it was raining all day …. Until now.
  17. She's still pretty far south on the satellite loops and has a while to come north - as in all day long and night while.
  18. Wife : “when are we going to lose power?” omg the struggle is real.
  19. What are the odds it is showery and breezy and causes someone to post the tipped over lawn chair that says "we will rebuild"?
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