34 degrees this morning for the low. Currently 41 degrees and sunny.
Got a mow in yesterday and 20 minutes after I put the mower away, a brief downpour for about 3 minutes then the sun was out.….weird weather.
I done it…I fired up my coal stove for hopefully what will be just a few days.
I usually try and hold off till November. 70 degree steady heat feels good on the cold mornings.
My high yesterday was 60 degrees and picked up .50” of rain
If your getting knobs for the draws, don’t forget to get new switch and receptacle plates while your at it.
Currently in a downpour 50 degrees, and just like that slowing down but still raining.
Friend down in St Pete is safe. Said worst he has been through in 40 years.
Frost on my truck windshield this morning 37 degrees. Winter season is officially starting .
Currently 46 degrees.
4.14lb won the one fish lurker tournament yesterday. I had 2.16 lb
Here is a picture of my morning 4 mile run.
I have friends that live down in St Pete.
Definitely not a good situation down there.
My gas fireplace is just a 15 minute run to take the chill off in our family room. “Lots of windows”
I try and hold off firing my coal stove till November.
Fog is gone and the sun made its appearance.
73 degrees currently, partly cloudy.
Got my mows in a 4” cut and then a 3”. The zero turn put a few divots in the yard. Guess I should have let it dry out a little more.
Wmsptwx It won’t be long, it will be heating season.
The storms that come through last night came from New York, pretty intense thunder and lightning and rain.
My weather station rain gauge was showing .48” of rain. It’s only accurate about 75% of the time.
Sometimes dead on other times a little high.