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Everything posted by pawatch

  1. I just need the Thanksgiving day storm to hold off till noon. I’ll be done with my turkey’s by then. Picked up .06” of rain overnight. Currently 36 degrees
  2. I got to get through turkey day first. Usually smoke about 1/2 dozen.
  3. Probably stuck with him and Woody in NY…They aren’t giving up control. Good seeing snow is in the picture on the models. But how many times have we saw no cold air mass.
  4. 29 degrees this morning. More white grass and another red sky.
  5. White grass again this morning “Heavy frost“ 25 degrees for the low.
  6. I fish all winter as long as there is no ice on the river. That’s when the big girls bite.
  7. 45 degrees and pretty windy. Chance of showers this morning. Another morning shot, only lasted 2 minutes
  8. 46 degrees this morning picked up around .45 of rain. edit: Manual rain gauge .57”
  9. .19 here so far…sure is nice to see things wet again.
  10. Wow hope no houses get destroyed. I know from our area they sent a forest fire crew somewhere in the state. That’s one job I wouldn’t want.
  11. 30 degrees this morning. I know I always seem a few degrees cooler. But I’m north of the city and have open fields around me, no trees. Lot of the times the city is 5 degrees warmer. Unless we get some rain the brush fires is going to be a concern. People tend to be careless.
  12. 52 degrees this morning. 17 mph winds yesterday afternoon.
  13. Set a record today 76 degrees. Got a mow in yesterday. Probably one more yet this year.
  14. 26 degrees this morning…white grass, had to bump the heat on this morning.
  15. I don’t really follow college football, except sometimes I look at the scores. My son text me. Franklin is 1-10 against Ohio State and 3-19 against top 10 teams. Not great at all. 59 for the high and 44 for the low.
  16. Record high here, had 81 degrees, NWS had 80 - old record 78 Currently 65 degrees Hey Blizz
  17. High of 64 degrees yesterday. This mornings low 28 degrees. A lot less leaves on the trees after yesterday’s winds.
  18. 41 degrees this morning. Deer out in the front yard this morning.
  19. 66 degrees for the high yesterday. 29 degrees this morning for our low. I don’t think the wind was as bad yesterday as what they were forecasting. Foliage appears to be past peak now. Mowed yesterday
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