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Everything posted by pawatch

  1. Measured last night around 7:30 1.5”. Got up this morning and it’s raining and still measured 1.5” Might have to get the tractor out and do cleanup with the bucket. Or just wait for it to melt.
  2. 1.5” snow here. Appears to be a wet heavy snow.
  3. I guess we will see what we end up with. Currently 28 degrees. Tuesday‘s high is supposed to be 50.
  4. 8 degrees this morning for the low. Plenty of white frosted grass this morning.
  5. 19 degrees this morning I wasn’t expecting that. Edit: Clear blue skies not a cloud in the sky. And still snow pack. Picture taken at 10:00 am
  6. 26 degrees this morning, not real impressed with this Thursday’s storm. Been to windy to go fishing. Canderson move the trash cans to the garage.
  7. River at Williamsport 44 degrees Friday, River down around Harrisburg 39 degrees Saturday
  8. 13.6 here too, currently 21 well we have cold air!
  9. Nothing wrong with a good cutter. I forget what year, but we would have a couple a week.
  10. Snow flurries here this morning.”some big flakes” Currently 35 degrees.
  11. Got up at 4:30 am, mix of snow and rain, turned to all rain by 7:00 Steady rain rest of the morning. Got my 6 turkeys done…spatchcock the birds.
  12. Wonder what they will do with the Buffalo, 49ers game Sunday night?
  13. LES is going to be really cranking over the weekend. That could be the best bang.
  14. 45 degrees this morning. Picked up .30” of rain over night.
  15. 30 degrees this morning. Thanks Mag for your insights!
  16. DT Vs JB what’s the forum coming to? I’ll take Mag for 100 Currently 40 degrees this morning.
  17. 35 degrees this morning. We picked up .22” of rain yesterday with a trace of snow. Some nice pictures Mag!
  18. Currently 36 degrees and snow flurries. Total precipitation .14” Slight accumulation on cars this morning but it’s long gone. Nothing on house roofs. Steady 5mph wind.
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