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Everything posted by pawatch

  1. The models are locked in hard. A pretty sure bet for them. Just Wow on the Euro runs.
  2. Bliz What's the wind going to be like for the Wednesday Storm ? And we have winter storm Flynn...TWC
  3. Pretty impressive how the models have locked in for Wednesday. Not a whole lot of changes. Euro is on a mission... Right now appears to be rain and 37 degrees. Going to be an awesome week for us guys
  4. Wow...most all of Pa. Getting a good shot of snow Wednesday. What's not to like after last year. Good seeing some old members posting too!
  5. Good to see Mother Nature finally thinking about winter for us. At least now we got something to follow. Will be interesting to see how the models deal with this upcoming storm. Thanks to everyone who contributes to following the storm!
  6. Just my opinion but NWS has been terrible lately. Predicted rainfall I usually figure about 1/2 and it has ended up being pretty close. I just chalk it up to 2020 From Friday morning...the forecast has sure changed. Bliz thanks! Always lots of moving parts for us, and threading the needle.
  7. This system looks like a real mess. Could we get lucky for once and get some snow. NWS is calling for 1-1.5" of rain up here with a narrow swath getting 2-4" of snow. I would imagine that would probably be elavation dependent. 14 mph steady wind yesterday with 39mph gust.
  8. Just a dusting overnight. Saturday looks like it's going to be a close call as far as location and cold air. Nothing can ever just be cut and dry. Looking forward to the tracking on this upcoming storm.
  9. 23 degrees here this morning. Wasn't expecting it to get that cold. Guess I wasn't paying attention. Paweather kept the maps coming.
  10. Nice write up Mag, thanks! I'm happy to get some rain before we get into winter. Checked my rain gauge at 4:30 yesterday afternoon. Got 1.18" of rain.
  11. Bliz we sure could use more rain. This weather has just been fantastic...but boring. Whats ETA going to bring us?
  12. 30 degrees here this morning...Heavy frost. Warm the rest of the week
  13. 1.63" here was pretty much final tally, still a few sprinkles this afternoon. Coal stove finally got fired up yesterday, 70 degrees in the house. The closest the snow got was Liberty 15 north. Nice write-ups Mag!
  14. Few rain showers this morning. More records set yesterday.
  15. Thanks for your thoughts Mag. A lot of temp extremes in the US. Montana was like 25 degrees and Maine 67 degrees with Minnesota choosing snow.
  16. Picked up 0.24' of rain in the last 24 hours. Wheather turned out nicer than they was predicting today. Got out on the river.
  17. If your sweating its to hot Light drizzle here this morning, looks like most of the rain is staying to the west. Which they need.
  18. My wife has the gas fireplace if she gets cold. Probably hold off firing the stove up. Sauss like the bedroom about 60, makes for some good sleeping.
  19. jns2183 hope you have a speedy recovery! Sounds like you took a pretty solid hit. We got .20" this morning with the cold front coming through. For the win
  20. 0.30" with the rain...NWS was calling for 1.5", that was a slight fail Working on top the mountain today...Eagles Mere. With the wind and drizzle it was nasty.
  21. Delta's projected landfall is 15 miles East of where Laura made landfall. Them poor people are getting hammered down there. Going to make it to the 80's on Saturday.
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