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Everything posted by pawatch

  1. Currently 20 degrees, the high wind gust yesterday was 32 mph. This morning high gust is 14 mph We picked up 1.5” of snow Yesterday which I was pretty happy with…Thanks Bubb Wondering if this next storm up is going to be a slider? “Philly special “ Stay Warm!!
  2. Started right around 7:00 am here. Didn’t take long to lay on surfaces. Measured at 10:00 1” of snow. Been snowing hard, roads are kind of a mess. Had to run my wife to her best friends moms funeral. Enjoy your snow.
  3. Bubb will you quit trying to give me snow. I was perfectly fine with you getting all the snow.
  4. 24 degrees and snow flurries this morning and quiet windy. You guys in the South tier, fuel your snowblowers up today. Enjoy your storm!! I will be drinking coffee and reading your results tomorrow
  5. 2001kx and WmsptWX that’s a nice wake-up call from LES,Congratulations! Adds to the yearly total.
  6. Ha a lot of 1-7” and 2-7” on that map
  7. Route 15 north is shut down from Foy ave, Old Lycoming Township to Beauty run road. we have a coating of snow here.
  8. They will go with snow showers until Sunday night and then change their forecast to 1-6”
  9. The morning of the storm I get up and deal with whatever amount of snow I have. I don’t worry about myself to much, If some of us get a nice storm out of this Great!!
  10. Been there done that Brother. A few different looks from the models. Be interesting to see where it ends up. I guess I will change the oil in my snow blower today. Oil cheaper than engines wearing out.
  11. 93 storm I was on duty at fire department. Got held over. Back then we run the ambulance and they sent a highway truck with a big plow down to headquarters to run with the ambulance on all calls. This morning 35 and very windy with a few stray flurries. At least we have something to watch good or bad. Always a little wiggle wiggle, wiggle
  12. Should we be worried your always seeing dicks That was to good to pass up. windy and sprinkles up here. 45 degrees.
  13. Currently 61 degrees…Last Monday morning Zero degrees.
  14. High yesterday 34 degrees and we haven’t seen the sun for a few days. We also have a fog advisory going on this morning, currently light drizzle and 34 degrees. My birds have slowed down feeding this week, not sure what that’s all about. I have used my snowblower twice this season. Blizz keep posting your maps…Thanks Been a tough couple years
  15. Merry Christmas 29 degrees. And it is a white Christmas, ground is still snow covered. Blizz we need a home run this winter
  16. Figure we picked up about an inch of snow overnight. Road is covered 25 degrees this morning. Brisket yesterday, was done the last hour in the oven that cold was brutal yesterday. Turned out good!
  17. 2 degrees this morning. Nut I have a wood burner.
  18. 10 degrees this morning. Tomorrow morning I have a big brisket smoke. Not looking forward to the cold. No real surprises or upsets yesterday.
  19. Still snowing at a decent rate. Fireplace and coffee making for a decent day.
  20. Been burning coal since the 90’s $85 a ton. This year $320 a ton. Still cheap warm heat.
  21. All I know is I’m going through 2 extra coal buckets a day. First snow flurries.
  22. My granddaughter is in high school and is on a traveling team up there. She lives in South Wmpst. No snow yet. 32 degrees
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