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Everything posted by pawatch

  1. 26 degrees this morning….Short and T-shirt weather after last week. Feels like a heat wave
  2. Also helps when the sun is out, makes it feel warmer….not a fan of them cold cloudy days unless we’re getting snow.
  3. 10 degrees at 5:30 am. Currently 8 degrees. Some frozen pipes in the area. Bassmasters fishing classic down in Georgia this week. A lot of them guys are taking it really tough. Between the roads and whiteout conditions on the water the other day with below freezing temperatures . A lot of them guys never saw anything like it.
  4. You know it’s not your year when the last storm you got less than an inch. And Alabama got 11.5” Canderson not touching the hand thing…especially with Vaseline on them.
  5. ❄️9 years ago today in 2016, a crippling and historic winter storm produced 1 to 3 feet over snow in south central PA. The 24hr total snowfall at Harrisburg of 26.4" ranks as the highest daily snowfall on record. https://www.weather.gov/ctp/01222016_blizzard 1/22/25@626am -5 degrees this morning
  6. Currently a big 0° Throw an extra blanket on tonight . Edit: 9:45 up to 2 degrees
  7. Trump withdraws from the climate accord and BOOM blizzard warnings down south.
  8. My snow equipment is just handy to have. Even if I don’t always use it. But it’s must have for my 250 drive. I blew my drive off on 3 different snows this week. Would have been icey mess if I wouldn’t have. Snows was only an inch. 3 degrees for my low this morning.
  9. Never really my storm. Picked up about .5” Good luck on your returns, Enjoy!
  10. Sun has made a guess appearance here. 28 degrees
  11. 24 degrees Getting so a lot of people don’t even have cable TV anymore. A lot of streamers Myself I usually don’t watch local weather. Either Weather Nation or Fox weather.
  12. 27 degrees this morning and a coating of snow overnight. Vehicles are covered. A few encouraging model runs! Anxious to see how this plays out. Not looking forward to all this cold next week. They say it could be similar to what we had in 96. I remember that..driving a Ford truck with a 300 6 cylinder. That week was brutal. A lot of frozen water pipes and sprinkler system problems. Working on the fire department.
  13. Little over 1/2” today, some lite flurries when it was getting dark. I got my snowblower out and blew my driveway off. It’s not melting and I didn’t want it packed and turn into ice. I probably could have used my leaf blower but I have 250’ of driveway. As usual a lot of wiggle wiggle with the models. Thanks for your thoughts Mag! Just watching this cold coming next week. Really going to be interesting watching some states trying to deal with all the cold.
  14. Nooner: 22 degrees, moderate snow and is laying on roadway. Big flakes Few of them model runs wanted to dry slot me
  15. 17 here Bubb Thanks for all your updates.
  16. Gave the NFL and College football up years ago. I will still check scores of games, usually next day. But yes, gives you a lot more free time. Not so sure some of the games aren’t scripted. Currently 37 degrees
  17. 28 degrees this morning. Tuesday looks like pretty much nothing for central Pa. Looks like a cold week in store for most of us. Not sure how I feel about next Saturday. My river fishing is on hold, pretty much iced up. Water temperature 33.6
  18. Currently 27 degrees. Picked up an 1” of snow overnight. Nice leaf blowing stuff off the vehicles and sidewalk. Sad, all the devastation out in California.
  19. 16 degrees this morning, 5mph wind, 14 mph gusts
  20. Approximately 22 lbs a bucket. It’s a regular coal bucket. 26 degrees and 19 mph wind gust today. Steady 8mph wind with a few stray flurries mixed in.
  21. I have used a lot of coal this year. When it’s gone I will order more. I get 2 ton at a time because that’s what my coal bin holds. I have been enjoying that 70 degree heat. A lot of coal ash this year.Guessing using 2 coal buckets a night instead of 1. 27 degrees and very windy.
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