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Everything posted by pawatch

  1. Harman Stoker stove. First started burning coal was $80 a ton. Not even sure what coal is this year. Its a nice steady heat.
  2. 29 degrees this morning, first morning in the 20’s. Frost number 4 on the truck windshield. Fired the coal stove up last night for the first time this season.
  3. Pouring out with a little thunder. 48 degrees. One tree I look at in the neighbors yard had red vibrate leaves. They all come off over night No records broke this week. Seemed to stay 1-2 degrees under the record all week.
  4. Looks like State College is getting some rain this morning on the radar. High 77 yesterday, record high on yesterday’s date was 81 degrees. The river water is around 53 degrees.
  5. 38 degrees this morning. Still dark, haven’t checked for frost. Highest wind gust yesterday 36 mph. Edit: Dropped to 36 degrees, frost on the truck windshield.
  6. .94” of rain up here. Less than the 1.50” they was calling for. Cloudy with a few light sprinkles this morning.
  7. Beautiful day on the river! All this rain this weekend seems to be slowly dissipating. Frost on the windshield this morning.
  8. 38 degrees this morning. Bumped the fireplace on. Bass are hungry on the river. Weekend they was stocking up for winter. edit: Frost on the windshield
  9. Temperatures was in the 80’s this week with 84 being my high. Beautiful days! Weekend sounds like it’s not going to be a lot of fun. Rain over night Friday, with moderate winds for the weekend and turning colder. Mowed the grass yesterday. Probably could have got mowed earlier, it was getting high.
  10. 48 degrees this morning. Still mowing the grass about every 4 days. Leaves will be soon starting to turn in October.
  11. Prediction is 6-10 down in your girlfriends area. Batton down the hatches. 49 degrees this morning
  12. 57 degrees this morning. .57” of rain yesterday and overnight. Water temperature on the river down in the mid 60’s
  13. With all them colors on the radar yesterday. Ended up with .50” of rain. But up the road 3-4 miles some people had flooding in their basements. Been lots of uneven totals with these storms.
  14. .59” in that first round. Sure knocked the temperature down. Hoping everyone gets a healthy dose of rain.
  15. 91 degrees yesterday and 70 degrees at 5:30 this morning. Watching hurricane Lee to see what it’s track is going to be. and if it brings us a little rain. Mitch will take what the Euro wants to give us.
  16. 93 degrees yesterday for the high. 4:30 am 68 degrees. Heading out fishing at first light. Trying to beat the heat.
  17. Another foggy morning. Currently 89 degrees. Firing the smoker up today. Only wings and baby back ribs.
  18. 49 degrees this morning. We broke into the 40’s this morning at least. Fitting for first day of meteorological fall.
  19. 33.65” for the year which has us ahead of normal, which is about 28”. The total is kind of a little deceiving. A few storms we got dumped on 3-4” which kind isn’t a normal rainfall. Been mowing on the average about every 4 days. 56 for the low this morning.
  20. 2.0” of rain overnight with the storm. Tree branches on the ground. Things was pretty wild last night when the first wave hit.
  21. 2:00am it was 75 degrees. Which was kind of surprising,Currently 72 degrees. Heading to Knobles with the grandkids today.
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