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Everything posted by wthrmn654

  1. It's the euros ensembles like the gfs has the gefs
  2. Talk about spin the wheel and that's the model to follow though... jeez
  3. Wow they have dropped 28 dropsondes so far .
  4. Oh and recons currently being done by hurricane hunter planes .
  5. Sadly, the western most tracks placements, hasn't budged from 00z, just a smudge east of bench mark, I believe that the eastern side of guidance spread has increased unfortunately, and that is a little concerning...
  6. 00z versus 18z gefs the spread actually increased, total opposite of what you would expect to see getting closer to event. Just nuts
  7. There discussion talked about the 18z nam and they were essentially discounting that outcome. Not saying they used that for there graphics.
  8. That and there using a model blend between the euro/gfs and some nam. 12z nam was showing big snows for everyone just about. To no one seeing anything at 18z and for that reason they do not see that happening and are essentially tossing that run. But that could change. For example.
  9. And it still can shift west. I'm saying it didn't follow the NAMs big hop shift east at least.
  10. While gfs is deft not good, the only saving grace is its not as bad as the nam.
  11. Yes I know. Fingers crossed, have had 1 storm that was forecast only to miss this year, don't need another...
  12. Relentless windy days will be one thing that we keep having and likely will keep having. Reminds me entirely like last fall...
  13. Very hard to say. Depending where you look website wise, or models, some show higher sustained, others show lower sustained. Either way it will be breezy with a chance of a runaway balloon lol
  14. I think you should leave here,I only say that because they don't seem to appreciate anything. I'd stay in the other forum. 


  15. I've had winds of 66 out here...

  16. 5 post thing right. No worries or rush. I can't reply for some reason. So just replying here. 

  17. Leave the banter/cockiness/arguing to the banter thread please.. jeez

  18. 06z gfs brings it further north and stronger hour 48

  19. I can't post at moment but latest hwrf 06z it's west already at hour 12! After that it's east but north.. but only east a little.. so looks worse for long island again

  20. Wow, cmc does several loops and is around till Saturday lol wow

  21. It's north and east,no?

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