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Everything posted by wthrmn654

  1. I'm over 2 inches and I'm the farthest east. I'm going measure again soon.
  2. 29 degrees and over an inch already. Even road surfaces are getting covered.
  3. Nws met I know says they likely will later tonight/ tomorrow morning.
  4. Nws met days advisories might need to be issued for ny areas if amounts keep going up
  5. I've been hearing that some models temps for right now are running to warm. Shockingly I'm already to 45 which I didn't expect to happen so quickly.
  6. But in other news it's 58 and I'm on the east end where this time of year the water doesn't allow much warmth. That's a surprise.
  7. This translates to a 1-4 inches kinda forecast. Though even saying a coating to 3 wouldn't be bad either.
  8. Well, it does and it doesn't. Grassy surfaces and metal surfaces always stick first. Unless temps dropping well at least 27°F or more say at least hour before precip starts , better chances that things will stick quicker. But closer to 32 and it's more dicey. Daytime snow unless moderate/ heavy and with temps also beow 30 this time of year do better then moderate snow 31 or 32, paved surfaces especially.
  9. 12k nam gives nothing to li essentially but nyc west does lol
  10. Nam looks good so far. Amounts didn't go down from first glance
  11. Are the hurricane hunters lost right now lmfao What kinda flight pattern is this?
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