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Everything posted by wthrmn654

  1. Sunday/ Monday I've heard rain for everyone for a few days..... But I'll agree and believe after it's done. Lol
  2. Northeast Drought Summary Cooler-than-normal temperatures dominated the region. Temperatures for the week were coolest along the northern portions of New York into Maine, where temperatures were 4-5 degrees below normal. Pennsylvania had the warmest temperatures, with departures of 1-2 degrees above normal. The dryness in the region has allowed for drought expansion this week with a new area of moderate drought in western New York and a new area of severe drought in eastern Massachusetts. Abnormally dry conditions were expanded over much of northern Pennsylvania and northern New Jersey and into southeastern New York. Moderate drought was expanded in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. Abnormally dry conditions were adjusted in southern New Jersey and a new pocket of abnormally dry conditions was added to southern Delaware. Most of the dryness was short-term in nature, but there were immediate declines to river and streamflow levels throughout the region.
  3. At least long Island is white lol
  4. Does the ecmwf seasonal forecast not update? Its a broken record so far. Just curious
  5. I mean that translates to temperature #s 85-90 any of those days though it does cool a little near to the end.
  6. 18zgfs says not so fast per say. Lol
  7. 5-31 I had 90.1 So actually I think I've only had 1 90°F day lol
  8. You haven't had a 90 yet wow.. I have I think only 2 times maybe 1 in actuality. Today got to 89 now is starting to cool. Got on my parents roof without pulling a Mary Poppins getting blown off yesterday to replace a battery in transmitter.. oh what fun those jobs are
  9. I would guess the sensor shield with a breeze is acting like an aspirated shield on say a Davis station. That's my guess with regards to that, maybe it would should have one 24hrs? Idk
  10. The reasons lie in the region’s geography and settlement patterns: Cities heat up more than outlying areas do, Newark sits near sea level, and it is not blessed by the ocean breezes that can take the edge off the heat in New York City and Connecticut and on Long Island. (A somewhat wonkier explanation is below.)
  11. Severe thunderstorm watches extended through nyc into Nassau County or just up to it
  12. Got to 79 today. Not much to write about lol
  13. Do quick Google search and it's amazing how many results give explanations why it's so warm there.
  14. Big waves today 36mph so far out here
  15. If/ when the WAR pushs westward does that potential setup greatly increase for possible tropical systems to come up the coast then?
  16. They should issue dangerous flying umbrella warnings today!
  17. With the big question still being , but when...
  18. Latest 2 temperature outlooks have below normal temps for us in the next 6-10,8-14 and even the 3-4 week period, though that's equal chance. Interesting
  19. And bam like that all the storms are essentially gone on the island
  20. The south fork, Hamptons is being hit but the north fork is not. Shelter Island is literally the dividing line.
  21. Storms firing up like crazy now
  22. 82 and dew of 69 was 71 earlier
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