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Everything posted by wthrmn654

  1. ahhh so thats how you get biggger! well that makes sense lol
  2. oh i could upload then use the exsisting uploads in 1 post techincally
  3. was trying to do 1 gif of the whole thing obviously lol unless theres a way im not aware of
  4. very difficult to upload the gif when your limited to only 1.95mb uploads lol but thats roughly the the gfs cyclonic PV (assuming that this and tropical tidbits are the same thing roughly)
  5. wonder where shes going after 234 lol
  6. it starts exiting land near the georgia/florida borders roughly speaking hour hour 102 fully over atlantic at 108
  7. yep looking at rainfall total estimates from this run to last its a little east of last run but deft closer to coastline. very wet!!
  8. hour 84 it turns northeast into florida.
  9. its hugging the western side of florida again, about same position as last run east of 00z run though.. looks like something changed to want it to be closer to florida so far
  10. gfs is about the same so far out to 48hrs placement wise
  11. just making a correctio to my model post just realized that the maps were 00z and 6z
  12. Could be a flare up, but will be interesting to see if it confines etc.
  13. oh, looking through my tropical favorites other day, sadly, we have lost the model plots maps from : www.sfwmd.gov they have discontinued them sadly.. i liked there model
  14. gefs is east, closer to florida, versus eps west... we have seen this before though and its going either be a win for the euro or a win for the gfs.
  15. Give me a second I have 6z tracks lol there kinda funny as gefs and eps have kinda switched from what I gathered.
  16. What the heck did the 6z euro do? I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking at....
  17. Gefs still has basically 2 clusters one goes up the east coast one goes back into the gulf, after its on the east coast.... talk about head scratching
  18. Early on euro, looks like it lost the storm with nothing out to Monday.
  19. Icon gets it very close to us as well following a very similar path
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