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Everything posted by wthrmn654

  1. A NOAA Hurricane Hunter aircraft is scheduled to investigate this system on Friday, if necessary.
  2. there is a chance it threads the needle and misses all land between now and the gulf.... it looks to be going north based on the plots so far..
  3. We have seen loop dee loops before.. Matthew a few years ago I think did that and it wondered around for a week
  4. some of the hurricane models now have it hitting Florida, impressive run to run shift to the other models... but there in the 980mbs.. range so not weak per say...
  5. here was the 12z ensembles for gfs euro and cmc shows the general track idea.. looking at the hurricane models forecast versus actual track... the hurricane models all started north of land so there way off course...
  6. Well by golly, didn't realize long Island was so popular in August...
  7. I bought a truck in 2012, then we had sandy few weeks later... I bought a truck July 1st lol.....
  8. eps is east of 12z. also theres 2 camps... large cluster going up the coast..
  9. just was looking at the meso models for down south areas, nam, rgem are west coast scrapers for florida, then north east curve... the fv3- Hi res interstingly takes it on the eastern side of florida in atlantic, scrapping or just offshore.
  10. There was 2 that flew that same path. There's also 1 that was in gulf for super short time no idea what happened there and supposedly another plane going out now in that same area.
  11. i thought the gefs didnt really follow the gfs ops but i was mislead looking at the ensemble map on tidbits.
  12. wish i could gif this for yall but, best site for any kind of satellite that you want of the entire world, setup like gogle earth.. u can overlay anything dust, fire, temps, lightning, etc!!!! safe to say theres deft no real defined anything imo.. RAMMB/CIRA SLIDER: GOES-16 (East; 75.2W) Satellite Imagery: Full Disk Sector: GeoColor (CIRA) (colostate.edu)
  13. but wait throw in a curveball, the hurricane models are running right now and so far the HAFS-B take it into he gulf and looks like its got its sites on far left part of Florida towards the LA border..
  14. i tried with giphy but it made the thing 6.4mb still oh well
  15. 12z total precip runs for gfs,cmc,and icon to kinda paint the idea of where they think there heading. they all kinda have the same idea at this point, which is saying a lot compared to what we had been seeing. but with that in mind, any small changes will very likely alter things drastically
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