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Everything posted by Baum

  1. I'm under a Flood Watch. Call for heavy rain to brief freezing rain and back end thump on track. I'll take that over the sleet fiasco.
  2. Funny I always thought that was the day after Christmas. Type of event you get in a poor winter. 2" of sleet that hangs on until March. Days of looking at dirty sleet with temps in the '20's...I can feel it too. Ugh.
  3. Easy call. Heavy Rain. Short time ice transition. Back end thump of snow. 2-4" immediate W and N 'burbs. Your ground may whiten slightly.
  4. ^ i like it. He trashed the highly regarded Euro model. Without trying.
  5. false. last winter was notorious for south fades, and even the pre christmas Indy runner(couldn't resist) did just that model wise. And i believe the idolized Euro model did so. That said, every storm is different.
  6. unfortunately, this is the solution that concerns me...if your looking for snow in the LOT CWA.... see you, same place, same time tommorow...
  7. ^ not yet. But it has all the earmarks to become that in a tough winter too date. The only thing that brings pause is I have seen alot of these trend south vs north the past couple seasons.
  8. I read ricky's long term AFD out of LOT this AM. Got to give him credit he always provides a provocative read (for weather enthusiasts) with a good jolt of optimism even in the blandest of weather regimes. Go read it. It just might provide you some hope and lift you out of the post holiday doldrums.
  9. remember that Halloween snow? Death knell. Never fails.
  10. prediction: the 18Z NAM still won't matter in the new decade.
  11. at this point I'm all in on "fantasy range big dogs"
  12. Still remember the warmth of Christmas 1982, and the record breaking cold one year later on Christmas. Appears the new Christmas sweater will have to wait...same as my snowblower a few years back. Merry Christmas all!
  13. they hit December spot on when a lot of folks were calling for cold. Kudos to Chi storm also as while it was a bit delayed, which isn't unusual our Indian Summer is glorious.
  14. Probably the wrong thread, and not a troll as I'd love a snowstorm, but not freezing my azz off with a bit of sun while getting the Christmas cheer accomplished isn't depressing me to bad. Winter will come soon enough, and hopefully it's gone by the end of March this year.
  15. a bit tongue and cheek on my part. December's story was written when trick or treaters need snow shovels to get around. Now I hope for a flip around the new year to real winter weather.
  16. actually surprised to see a forecast for an inch. I figured shut out.
  17. all good. That's the fun of this board to have a healthy debate regarding storms, patterns, and modeling. You and me should have a fun winter. I love a good troll job as good as the next guy. Now go hit the OV peeps on WX disco over the 20 mile fluctuation that will occur with the main snow band. And again, I'll point out a 4-7 " snowfall in StlLouis and Indy is no way to run a mid December mild pattern.
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