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Everything posted by Baum

  1. looks to me like they simply converted watches to advisories. Which was alluded to in this morning's discussion.
  2. There is my call from 3 days back. Heavy Rain. Brief transition to frozen. Back end thump. Too early to spike the ball in the end zone though...
  3. The Euro has been doing this quite frequently for the past two seasons. Amps systems too far NW. And then weakens and shears them a to the south east as they approach. Rep is overblown.
  4. I think 3-4" QPF has always been a pipe dream. Esp given convection south. I expect an inch rain...a bit of frain.....2-3" heavy wet snow. NAM looks on target QPF wise. And this is for 20 miles due west of loop.
  5. a sleet storm is the highlight of a bad winter. Embrace it.
  6. True. Given my experience for MBY a rainstorm. dryslot. Brief period of frain/sleet. Surprise defo band of 2" perhaps a bit more. J just don't want a cold april.
  7. The reckoning will be when you look out your window about 11 am Saturday.....
  8. think inch of rain...6" of clay. Anyone recall a storm system say around new years 1985...poured buckets and ended with 5-6" of heavy wet snow?
  9. I'd debate a number of these assertions(prognostications) but it's really not worth the effort anymore. If your winter weather hound it's just good to have something to track.
  10. nah. too many flooded roads and viaducts......hassle.
  11. Ha. That's another way to make it work! In truth, I was kidding a touch. I trust what Cantore posts from TWC is their legit take. If only..it panned out
  12. I saw that. That's how you drive viewership in the weather game these days. Make sure that 6-10" line cuts through a huge media market. I'm sure mets submitted their forecast, and then told to massage it.
  13. This is the type of storm that very well look like you missed the back end show. Than you get caught by a tail end squall and get your quick 2". Desperate times call for desperate calls.
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