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Everything posted by Baum

  1. First, I prefer a warm spring.Second, I do believe up until several years ago the largest accumulating snow in Chicago was April 14,1961. Not sure exact, but I do believe that has been surpassed twice in the last decade. All that said, if I can get it even to me more like Knoxville around here I'm all for it in my time.
  2. Not sure about seasonal anomalies,records and stats- I go more by what I see. First cut of the lawn was mid April which was about normal. Snowflakes on or around opening day. Had to cover the hostas and up coming plants last week due to potential freeze which is typical. Would not be surprised to see another before were clear for the season-hoping not as I would prefer the warmth but I know how things roll around here. No question it was a non winter.
  3. live look at CC (wo) man come August. Note: some may find this content hot or offensive.
  4. who wants it? But inevitable. Hopefully, short and moderate at worst.
  5. This morning's LOT AFD is one for the ages. IZZIED.
  6. Climate change it's real and it's spectacular
  7. cruel. As the snows that fall and melt hours after completion will push us to near normal snowfall totals by the end.
  8. No worries. We'll offset this in April and May. You'll learn.
  9. can't be good to hear the term "back door cold front" in your morning AFD on February 1.
  10. were going to need the break for what comes next. Btw...where does your snow total stand for the season?
  11. Personally, when I went outside around 6 am I thought driveway and walks were as treacherous as I've ever seen them.
  12. Makes sense.You may not like the cold,but it makes snow out of nothing at all.
  13. looks about right for mby. 6" with the intial burst and 2" last night for about 8". My call was 8". Ugliest 8"storm I experienced....but it looks good now. Time to keep adding some arctic powder now....
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