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Everything posted by Baum

  1. so far so good here. Hope it holds.
  2. ^ and oddly, Milwaukee and Madison are having their snowiest March's since the mid 1960's. I guess that increased warmth is translating to greater moisture and therefore greater snowfall totals... Shame it didn't work that way for MBY in January. I guess the biggest recipient of this effect was in Minneapolis and Duluth this year. Oh well, here's hoping it spreads.
  3. i saw that beer town is currently having it's snowiest march since 1965. Maybe too late for some if you know what i mean.
  4. not buying the madtown total. Arrived in town yesterday around noon. Roads clear looked like maybe 8" stacked up in some places.
  5. btw would want no part of a 6" 6:1 ratio snowfall. The damage to trees will be enormous.
  6. in january you troll the person who's going to get missed. In late march you troll the person who's going to get hit. It's simple.
  7. i think we all called this back in mid February.....sadly.
  8. who knew a snowstorm thread started by Hardy Palm Guy would end up discussing areas where palm trees thrive and not the storm? Talk about irony.
  9. famous last words. Plus I have a fantasy baseball draft in Madison on Saturday. It would only be fitting.
  10. you still have the annual cold snaps for Opening day, The easter snow flurry event, and 45 degree with 35 mph wind mothers day still to get through. It's a long trek home.
  11. it's okay. You need to slow down when you're turning a corner.
  12. prior to the last 5 years the largest late season snowfall was April 14, 1961 in Chicago. That has been surpassed twice in the last several years. Over my lifetime, I don't really recall any memorable late season events, though one did hit in early April perhaps 1972. It sure seems to me winters have carried much later into spring and late season snowfalls with the past several years. Of course, it's a blip in time. I'm old school, so no pie charts and graphs, just a memory. And when it comes to snow- a very good memory.
  13. since January 29th he's had nearly 30" of snow
  14. good. Here, things are getting out of hand. Sidewalks are on the verge of getting a slushy coating. Wild.
  15. maybe the 8th time is the charm....event of the year coming.
  16. brutal. Although, can't say avoiding a slop fest that damages tree limbs is that disheartening. Alek's string of correct calls headed down in flames.
  17. looks like it should be snowing, but it's not.
  18. you should start the thread for the Saturday/Sunday event. Break precedent....
  19. I've upgraded myself to a warning.
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