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Everything posted by Baum

  1. it's everyone for themselves. Do you want a amped 3"or a flat 6". I know where I stand.
  2. Such great memories. Every road in Chicago was clogged and caked with snow for weeks. It was the land of Bo in the big city and it was glorious.
  3. Everything before today was fun. Now it starts to get real.
  4. board will burnt to a crisp my Monday's 12Z runs.
  5. Agreed.And my post was intended for a touch of humor moreso than anything else.But let's face it Spartman's rep for map posting minus commentary never helped his cause. Maybe he should change is screen name to "eyes without a face"- more humor. Anyway, BAM weather is really not a legit source.What's going to get posted next Judith Cohen.
  6. posting BAN weather takes is bold. You've been a burr in the saddle for eons. I'd say posting this shit in this forum after 2 years of snow and cold drought when we're finally seeing something good is going to bring out the torches and pitchforks crowd. I'm all for it.
  7. Just an FYI the NE storm has not trended SE and weaker. I have over 60 sites in Jersey to manage this year for snow removal service and am following that area as much as my own backyard. If anything, it has trended NW in the past 24 hours particularly the 12Z euro run.
  8. Not a pro, by any stretch. But I think comparing this year to any of the last few would be flawed thinking in the simplest of ways.
  9. I'm sick and F****n tired of getting missed. There I said it.
  10. maybe he just knew the inevitable was about to occur, and moved on to posting year round snow men on the Miami, Florida weather board.
  11. I don't take my "change vibes" from one run of an operational model that rarely would fully encompass a major pattern change.And of course, neither do you. And it's been fully well documented here. Time to hop aboard the "change" train, my friend. Zzzzzz's leaving the station.
  12. The drums are beating louder for change by the day.
  13. NOAA notoriously rides the el nino train at a cost even when it is becomes apparent that changes are afoot. This winter has had always two sides. A typical el nino year or a year where it turns wintry in January as the pattern breaks. Almost everyone had a warm December across the board. And while Decembers as a whole have been warm, early or late season snows and cold have typically offset this consistent strong Februaries not withstanding. We are now into the time where we see how things break. Note, that even the areas that do well in a nino year have really not stuck to that pattern which may argue this is not going to be a standard run the table warm winter for this forum.
  14. amazing how many people complained about the cold. On what many would consider a normal cold, windy, day in December. We've gotten soft and spoiled.
  15. I don't want to get into a climate debate here, but their are some that believe a warming climate may actually lead to more palm crushing snows. Ironically, your Milwaukee winter last year someone speaks to this as you had nearly 30 inches of snow most of it of the heavy wet variety from January 26 on including a frond crusher in mid-late march.I also note in your posts you rarely reference what is going on elsewhere. https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2023/12/04/europe-snow-cold-munich-moscow-record/ An article from the WP. Some might call this "shot with his own gun" And to keep this thread relevant. I do believe there are some changes a foot that could lead to a colder/snowier period and put "jack" back in his box for a bit.
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