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About AirNelson39

  • Birthday 01/26/1989

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Granite Falls, NC
  • Interests
    Drone flying

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  1. Yep, I’ve been keeping an eye on it since it broke off that heavy band south of Florence. Looks like it will be the last of it for Johnston and Wake
  2. 21 degrees and moderate to heavy snow in eastern NC is such a nice treat. Not very often we get those conditions after 20+ hours below freezing with another 36+ hours below freezing.
  3. I think if he made a snow model that was always accurate and true they’d still whine and complain. Nothing wrong with America first, unless it’s orange man bad doing it. Smfh
  4. Looks like that’s about all she wrote. What a disappointment. We found that the NAM can’t be ignored and the global just couldn’t get a grasp on the warm nose. Amazing there wasn’t more moisture also given how expansive the system was.
  5. Wishing everyone the best, I’m now living in Clayton NC, SE of Raleigh. I won’t be home for this as I’m in Dallas (got to experience the entire storm here). Either way it plays out with precip type, with all the cold the past several days, the roads will be a disaster.
  6. I’m not a met and get pissed off when these morons on FB post the fantasy maps like they are gospel and say things like “not a forecast be we really need to keep an eye on this once in a lifetime opportunity that seems very likely next weekend”. Most people that don’t keep up with the weather like us don’t know any different, they don’t understand that the models can all be wrong 48 hours out let alone 4-6+ days out. I think I get more pissed off about these BS Facebook posts than I actually do with the storms not panning out.
  7. Feel sorry for the folks that took the long range HRRR seriously. That’s worse that the 84 hour NAM and the 6 day euro. Another abysmal winter for NC foothills, 1 real event. Sigh
  8. Yep looks like precip made it further west than what the short range models were even showing. Not surprised.
  9. Time to put another fork in this weekends system for most of NC. The GFS has now shit the bed which was obvious given that it’s been on an island for 2 days. I had high hopes for the new GFS but it’s shown that it is mortal after all. On to the next one, hopefully.
  10. Whatever ice the models are outputting right now aren’t even worth looking at, just look at the overall setup. Even 24 hours out they are usually 75% overdone regardless of the setup and regardless if the CAD is usually underdone because even with under done CAD on the models we don’t come close to what they show for IP or ZR.
  11. Can someone remind me why this storm had a thread? Good grief. I love my liquid snow, it’s beautiful.
  12. You’ll be fine, major interstates 24-36 hours after a small snow like this are always in great shape.
  13. Showing us why the NAM is trash. Look at some of the outputs it’s had the last 24 hours. Euro and NAM are the new step brothers.
  14. At least it’s not completely obliterated by the cold this run of the GFS, it’s a coastal snow storm but at this stage that’s perfectly ok for central and western NC
  15. Huh? It’s 3 days out. A better statement would have been it’s the 84 hour NAM on an island, no need to be excited yet. The name put out some ridiculous maps from last storm at 84 hours too. Not sold.
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