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About MorristownWx

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Morristown, NJ

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  1. Going to be amazing tomorrow region wide - so glad winter is over
  2. Somewhere MJO is crying into a pillow
  3. Beautiful weather this week and some much needed rain Sunday night - as good as it gets!
  4. Saw this, came here to see what was up, all checks out lol
  5. Happy meteorological spring - so glad to be done with the ice piles that survived all winter. Bring on the 60’s and 70’s!
  6. Bring it on! Now we just need some rain to wash away the remaining salt and we’ll be good to go. Loving the warmer temps.
  7. Point clearly went over your head. We’re just saying that there should be a different thread to discuss this. I didn’t say anything either way on my feelings about the temps this winter lol.
  8. EastonSN+ wins the day for rationale thinking.
  9. One hundred percent. I suggested this yesterday. It’s a weather forum so I get it’s ok to talk about averages and historical changes. But the non stop bickering over whether this was cold this winter is unbearable.
  10. While I would place the chances of additional snow events over 2” relatively low, we’re still going to get transient periods of cold. That seems pretty clear. That said, I’m thrilled with the amount of forecasted 50 degree days this week and even if you look past this week, not seeing any abnormal cold.
  11. Gorgeous day! 40, heading up to 45 with a shot at 50 for the next four days. It’s honestly nice to not have to worry about any more ice accumulation. Enjoy your Sunday!
  12. Has the same temps and sun but was surprised how little it melted. It’s so fortified at this points it’s going to take about a week of this to make a dent
  13. Agree - getting to the point in the calendar where I’ll take this all day long over more nickle and dime events that were enjoyable this winter.
  14. Since we have the discussion about cold averages over the past 10/30/50 years every single time there is a storm and even when there isn’t, maybe it would be helpful to create a thread specifically to talk about temperature anomaly’s/norms/history, etc. It would still allow those who want to beat the horse to death the forum to do so, and would allow those of us who want to focus on upcoming/current weather to not have to sift through pages of people bickering over whether a winter was cold or not. I get it’s a weather forum, but a simple solution and compromise would be to open a thread to talk about historical comparisons. thoughts?
  15. Anyone in the Morristown/chester area know what the season snowfall is? I think it’s around 20” for my location but just going off the events I remember.
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