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Everything posted by overcautionisbad

  1. Yeah, like I said he used to get some right, but after 2018 he seemed to start putting out more bs maps than when he actually disagreed with other mets. Anyway, 1 pm measurements for North Chesterfield. 1st photo on car. 2nd on grass
  2. Wait, I have a scientific explanation. It's all that hot air he blows between attacking those who disagree with him whether it is weather or politics. He is the cause of the snowhole At this point I only trust the metereologist pictured
  3. Lol, he's talking about how there is always a small snowhole at Chester every single storm
  4. Come on guys! We have to BELIEVE. Faith, trust, and snow dust!!!
  5. Now NBC 12 can brag that their 1-infinity prediction was right
  6. Think my prediction will bust. It is just too bright out there. That tells me the clouds are just too thin.
  7. Definitely an inch in North Chesterfield. Just 4-5 more to meet my prediction
  8. The very last calls by WRIC and WTVR. Think NBC 12 stuck with the lazy map
  9. Yeah, I'm a night owl. Apparently DT is as well. He updated his forecast after the 00z and some 2 am data. He seems rather confident
  10. Zach Daniel posted 9 minutes ago. WTVR stuck with its map. Seems WRIC stuck with 5-10 as well. Im starting they just know something I dont and only NBC 12 disagrees.
  11. True enough. Here's NBC 12's update moments ago. Not much change. They say 3-6 in Richmond. 6 is possible south and east. They say it will start between 7am and 10 am and stick immediately
  12. I figure I could be wrong about 2 inches either way. Anything more would surprise me. But Im just an inexperienced guy guessing based an untrained mind looking at info. Idk, I guess 3 decades of living in this area has me thinking at least decent snow since it is February and we don't have to worry about rain.
  13. I'll definitely post a pic of my own measurements with my ruler tomorrow and whenever it stops. If I'm wrong I'll blame the weather for being wrong and state that I was right. We'll see what happens tomorrow. Models could be way wrong and we end up with 15 again. Who knows until it happens. No, I don't think that will happen, but it would be funny as hell.
  14. There you have it then. I predict 5-6 for North Chesterfield
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