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wx n of atl

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About wx n of atl

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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    Not Telling
  • Location:
    Roswell, GA

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  1. currently from the 40th floor in Atlanta, GA we have snowflakes
  2. I am currently on the 40th floor in Atlanta and nothing out the window yet.
  3. 2 inches of snow, we had some sleet, now light freezing rain
  4. Low of 20 degrees this morning
  5. Stay Safe Everyone! Lots of rain here; no wind yet.
  6. If the southern tip of Texas can get snow, then I think the southern states have a chance. Hope it holds....going with A2+B2 =C2
  7. We just had another heavy line go thru, It is a solid wall of water. Keep up the great work everyone! I hope Atlanta can see some snow this year. no snow for us last year. Side note/ joined back in 2010, before that eastern, and before that I believe there was a local wx forum called Peachnet wx???, don't really remember anymore
  8. today's wind map http://hint.fm/wind/
  9. Yesterday's rain totals... I had some hail at the house as well.
  10. I believe many area received 1 -2 inches of rain over the last few days in N GA; maybe next time there will be a much colder wedge for some snow.
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