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Everything posted by k***

  1. David Deal, WIAT meteorologist, is on TWC and talking about pavement torn up and grass pulled from the ground in the tornado damage he surveyed.
  2. we haven't seen a clean slab yet....but there's got to be a bunch in there somewhere
  3. i just realized the second video came from just off the mcfarland exit...so these guys caught the tornado doing that incredible damage documented in the earlier video at 15th and mcfarland
  4. I could watch that second video all day...so many crazy appendages!
  5. I'm amazed by the sheer complexity of the vortices in these videos...horizontal shooters, multiple satellites, giant parent mesos, etc
  6. I don;'t know whether those winds were inflow or RFD, but the 5 min mark is intense for being outside of the vortex
  7. my rome people are good...carrollton folks about to deal with their cell, but it looks to be loosely organized at best
  8. anytime mass casualty trailers are being order=no bueno
  9. Ive seen more debris balls during this outbreak than in all others combined...totally sick
  10. I have lots of friends in the cedartown/rome area from my days living in the area...really worried
  11. the WRF seems plausible...looks to be headed that direction
  12. Did you see that lifted index in Texas? Superoutbreak!
  13. shocking...truly shocking that "xenia74" thinks this will be like the superoutbreak
  14. There's a lot more to tornado outbreaks than the depth of the low and numbers...lots could still go wrong. But, since you joined yesterday to warn us and chose the screename you did, you sound unbiased...so I guess we'll just assume it will be worse since there is "nothing" to back up the opinion that this probably wont outperform the superoutbreak.
  15. welcome to the board.

  16. I lived in cowtown for 5 years...never really bothered to ponder whether it was in north georgia
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